Happy #9 Princess Gracie!

Nine years ago today, actually tonight, a bright beam of pink sunshine shined into my heart and into my life. Grace Anne Estrada came into the world in the hands of her proud daddy (who now resides around her tiny little finger.) I will never forget the doctor saying, "Come here and get your daughter." HOWEVER, I had no clue she was still inside mommy! I just saw a little little part of a tiny little head peaking out, if you know what I mean. The doc says, "Reach in and get her!" Um, yeah, ok, cuz I have done this SO MANY TIMES! But with probably the goofiest smile full of joy, wonder, and mostly fear, I reached in and pulled my baby out.
She was (IS) the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! My shaky but firm hands held her in awe as I handed her to the wildly waving hands of her mom...who didn't get an epidural so she was the boss. After that I got to cut the cord. I had wanted to do it old school, with my teeth, but somehow I changed my mind. The nurses eventually took her and put her on a little table to poke and wipe and well, they were pretty rough! But I stood there with the idiot smile that only dads have and I sang her Amazing Grace. Because she was, and she still is!
She is my princess, a tornado, a little rock star, and did I say she was a princess??? She's the "Boo" to my "Kitty"…She's Mylie, I'm Billy Ray…She's my workd and I am toast. She calls me about 5 times a day now...she knows my cell number! She runs to the door when I get home! She prays for me every night. She is always ready to dance with daddy, sing with daddy, wrestle with daddy and most of all, snuggle with daddy. Put a fork in me. As I write this, I wish I could take back some of the times I said GRACIE! with a little too much on the end. I wish I could take back a ton of, "I'm too tired right now to dance with you's", and about a thousand "No's". But the good news is she is only 9 and we have a long life together!
So, as you can see, my little rock start got her very own Fender Strat and Marshall amp (thanks to an anonymous wonderful donor and friend of the Guitar Center!). She can already play a few chords, she writes her own lyrics, and has an amazing voice. And I am NOT just saying that! She won a $500 scholarship for singing classes!! I am biased, yes, but also right! We are already arguing about who will produce her albums!
There is so much more. A universe of smiles, kisses, hugs, talks, hugs, prayers, tears, on and on and on! I realize life goes by so fast, she has her own phone and email and I KNOW she doesn't just email girls. SO, I am making a quick stop at the gun store just to prepare!
Happy Birthday Princess Grace!
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