
And Kerry Would Know How?

...because he lives there and all.
Kerry:"I think the prime minister is, obviously, contradicting his own statement of a few days ago, where he said the terrorists are pouring into the country.""The president says that things are getting better in Iraq and we must just stay the same course," said Kerry. "Well, I disagree. They're not getting better and we need to change the course to protect our troops and to win.

OK JOHN, say what you mean: "Look how bad everything is so you should vote for me!" Yeah, thats how you do it. Put down Allawis and make yourself look good. Um, doesn't work here Mr. Longface.

Bush: "You can't lead this country if your ally in Iraq feels like you question his credibility." "The message ought to be to the Iraqi people: 'We support you.'

And we support you W!


At 9/24/2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kerry's version of "changing the course" means quick troop withdrawal and submission to terrorist, and it seems like it does since many Dems are comparing Iraq to Vietnam. I think it is at least fair to conclude the following...

Making statements like this puts Dems in the position of utter despair. This despair is not the kind you feel when you have run out of dishwasher soap and it's your turn to get it done. This is the despair of hating George Bush so badly they will actually hope inside that the war slips in a state of incurable rupture.

So either Kerry is lying and we will actually win this war which could get him the soon to be vacant anchor spot on CBS. There they can try and spin why he lost the election (assuming the American public sees through this guy as much as it seems like they should in November). (Or) Kerry is right and thousands of Americans will be killed, we will lose and then Iraq will eventually fall into a Babylonian prolapse. Then even if the Dems lose they can plot the political murder of Republicans for the next four years. They will be able to bask even more in the New York Times headlines telling America why it is actually the worst nation on earth and how it was all Bush's fault.

What a sad quagmire for Kerry fans.

At 9/24/2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way that last post was by me. I am sure you can tell I have no opinion on this.


At 9/24/2004, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for reading Jess.


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