...my own state of mine...

Then and Now
- 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sequel to Feature Jar Jar Cameo ...
- Much Fire, No Smoke
- A gift for my liberal friends...sorry no cheese.
- My Weekend
- The Greatest Rock Band???
- What the F---???
- Dashed Dreams, maybe
- NaNoWriMo
- P. Diddy Survives 'Vote or Die' Attempt by Scott Ott
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Rock is dead they say...LONG LOVE ROCK!
I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Gmail Invites. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a kid by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at http://www.100mostoriginalgiftideas.com but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.
Hi stradasphere,
I am a writer and I research gift ideas for e-books on original gift ideas for Christmas and other events like Valentine's, Easter etc. I also organize gift ideas per receiver, like for babies, for kids, for teens, for grandparents, for dog lovers, for him, for her, etc Or I organize them by category like romantic gifts and inexpensive gifts. In my research I also go through blogs that mention gifts and gift ideas or events like Christmas. That is how I came upon your blog this post. I would appreciate if you would share just one successful gift idea with me, for instance a Christmas gift for a teen. I hope that my question doesn't annoy you. And I apologize if it does. I thought if I'd just ask enough people I'd wind up with plenty of good ideas to share with others again. That is what networking is all about, right? Or let's call it the spirit of Christmas. Let me know if I can do something for you. You can find my free e-books with gift ideas here: http://www.100mostoriginalgiftideas.com. God bless.
Chevalier Blanc
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