
I Feel Like Caca

I haven't posted in years so I thought I would whine a bit. I feel like crap today. I am lethargic, sleepy, (same thing I guess), crabby, unmotivated blah blah blah...I hate it when I don't have energy. I feel out of my game. I don't want to talk to anyone, do any work, blah blah blah...I think I should go home and go to sleep. Unless I fall asleep at my desk...see picture in previous post..

So, feel sorry for me.


At 9/07/2007, Blogger Gary said...

Sorry to hear that, excercise (walking round the mall listening to the Who) usually gives me a lot of energy. Could be too much time behind the desk, it does this to me every so often.

Have written a couple new songs, in process of recording them now. One is a collab with a YouTuber, have never written a song with someone elses words before, but it was an interesting experiment and the song came out pretty good. Could be that "gibson with a hardshell case" that I finally broke down and bought.

Well, hope you are not burning up too much in Arizona. It's actually on the cool side now.

At 9/11/2007, Blogger PTfan said...

Gary is right. Exercise works wonders!

At 9/12/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Gary, I would love to hear it.
PTF: I started a while ago then stopped so I need to start again!


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