
Free Hugs

SO, my college roommate sends me this today. I have watched it at least 10 times. I have teared up each time. While this video comes from a movement by a guy named Juan Mann, this one is used for aids awareness. But even at the most visceral level, what if? Could you do this? Could I? The courage to stand and offer a hug to whoever. For me, this is not too far out; I am a hugger. I always have been.

Yet there is more. I see things like this and my soul leaps...like, "I am supposed to be doing this, or something like it!"Then, as James Arthur Ray would say, "PARTICLE", my mind sends out a message that, "no, this is silly or irresponsible, or it doesn't make money"...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!

But I know, the REAL ME, is on his way out of his shell, albeit a thin shell. I love activism, sending messages, helping people, spreading the word. The word is love.


At 7/27/2008, Blogger grace said...

we need to spread more hugs around the world. Make people smile.


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