
So tell me...

A young blogger asks:
Is blogging at work considered like taking a break at the water cooler or grabbing a cup of joe?
Can you get fired for blogging at work?
Should you complain about your boss or co-workers in a blog?
Can they use this information against you since it was received second hand (and that's hearsay according to Law and Order--ching-ching)
If you haven't old someone about your blog but they read it and there is stuff about them, do they have a right to get mad?
Should you even care?
Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's?
Are political blogs better than personal one's?
Is commenting on someone's blog really butting into a conversation?
What is the air-speed velocity of a sparrow...never mind.
Why is checking out random blogs creepy in a way?
And, what is the deal with ellipses...?


At 10/06/2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I have a bit of time here on the shift so I will answer a couple of these...

1) Blogging at work is cool unless your work doesn't allow use of the internet and their are natural breaks. An example is waiting for something or someone to do something that will let you do your next task. It also probably depends on the nature of the job. Like if you are a security guard you may want to pay more attention to security stuff than your computer screen.

2)If your job doesn't allow internet use you could probably eventually get fired.

3) I would never complain about work or co-workers on the internet just because it's a computer company and everything appears on a server somewhere. I am not sure if anyone reads it, but I am not going to chance it.

4) Commenting in someones blog is butting into the conversation. A long drawn out and not really all that interesting comment like this one can be extremely annoying.

At 10/07/2004, Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm so does this mean I am butting into my own conversation???


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