
W stands for Whupped!-Brilliant!

This came from Jay Nordlinger's column in the NRO. The headline alone is pure brilliance. I like the way this guy talks because he likes the way W talks, like a real person. I didn't watch the debates, I was busy, and I know who I am voting for. My decision is based in part on the kind of man W is, and the way he talks. Imagine going to George and Laura's for dinner. My wife and I would have a sit down at the Bush ranch. Laura would probably call me "dear" and George would tell me to take a load off. Mrs. Kerry would be fake and John would be uncomfortably cordial.

Bush is no dumb@$$ redneck. He admitted himself that Laura speaks better English than he does! He is smart, kick-@SS smart. I like the way he talks, the way he handles himself, and that little confident wink he gives! Kerry looks and talks like a weasel, a politician. Bush talks like a man. I go with the man, not the weasel. Flop goes the weasel!(or should I say flip-flop). I read that in W's closing remarks he said, "I'm asking for your vote." That alone is brilliant. That is why he is there in the first place. Spoken like a man. I'm not too much into politics, I know who I want to run my country. Someone who talks like a real person and doesn't look like an Irish Setter. Nice column Jay, now I don't have to watch reruns of the debate! Whup 'eem W!


At 10/14/2004, Blogger Unknown said...

that's one of the reasons I like him...and Kerry looks like a worried dog...

At 10/15/2004, Blogger Unknown said...

I didn't think you meant it as one.

At 10/19/2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people hate this but my take on the debates, Bush etc are posted here...


At 10/20/2004, Blogger ambs77 said...

I'm gonna have to disagree on this one Strada.....Since you didn't watch the debate, I'm guessing that you didn't see W's facial expressions. The eyes don't lie and his were blinking every second?a big sign of lying. How can we place him in charge of so many important issues when he can't even keep his cool in a debate?

He's just very sketchy to me and this election is SO critical.

Just my rants! :)

At 10/20/2004, Blogger Unknown said...

maybe his contacts were dry...I still like that little wink he does


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