
Search for a Church

Since leaving a very abusive situation I am in search for the right church for my family. I just met with a pastor and have met with a different one for the past few weeks. Still God has me waiting on His guidance. The guys I have met with are all young and have cool things going on. I still don't know where to go. This is a cool jouney, but sometimes a bit frustrating. I am in a weird spot. I know my family needs some time to heal but I have a restless soul. I am itching to join a praise team and rock out for the Lord, but again, I wait. This isn't a bad thing, and is keeping me very close to God.

I listen for His voice. It is soothing, however. Wait upon Him and He will lead me. He led me out of an abusive church and I know He will lead me again into the right place. He knows I am impaitient, but He has been so patient with me!


At 1/10/2006, Blogger cindi said...

I feel your pain. Our family left a toxic church that we had been at for over 9 years. In all honesty, it took me about 3 years to de-tox (sort through what was Truth and what was man's twisting of it), and over 6 for my heart to heal.

This sounds crazy, but if I was given the choice to redo that part of my life, I would choose to go through it again, because the whole experience radically changed me (for the better). My relationship with Christ became so intimate (Psalms 34:18 is SO true). And then he sent me some beautiful "Samaritans" to bind my wounds (Gene Edwards, Brennan Manning, and Philip Yancy) and it changed my heart forever. Anyhow... I am so sorry your spirits were bruised, and I will definitely be praying for you and your beautiful family. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys.

At 1/11/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Cindi, we are in the healing stage right now...I know we will end up in the right church soon...thanks for visiting and your prayers! Good to hear from someone in Phoenix!

At 1/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought you might like this article...not sure if this guy has any churches around you but it sounds like your cup of tea...

maybe someday you can start having more faith in yourself instead of a higher power. If you are ready for that check out my church

Oh, this link is really for Will but I don't have any contact info for him anymore. In the spirit of the Blobber, you/they have to check this out...


I almost threw up looking at it...

Your Secular Humanist friend/former coworker in IL ;-)

At 1/31/2006, Blogger Bobby said...

Drop me an email and we'll figure out a time to meet and i'll fill you in on Flood the Desert.


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