Democracy For Iraq!

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
For some reason I was glued to the TV watching the sun rise on Iraq...too bad it was Geraldo...but I was so interested in this election. Morbid curiosity about attacks and bombings but something was stirring in my heart for these people-The quest and hope for freedom. I identified with being oppressed, being beat down, being scared. And here I saw a most courageous people. Holding hands even in the face of death WALKING to cast their very first vote. Beautiful people. It was their spirit that drew me to them. I wish I had half of what they have!
To think a few months ago we were all quibbling about our own elections that we take for granted so easily. Even hatred toward our leaders, oh yes, I am talking about the liberals and MY BOY, W. My main praise goes to the Iraqi people, then to George Bush. Our leader, like it or not, an architect for freedom.
Wait, what did the former provincial council chairman of Iraq say..."We will build a statue for Bush," said Ali Fadel, the former provincial council chairman. "He is the symbol of freedom."
Iraq just gave Ted Kennedy the finger!
WAIT! Did you just say that Ted Kennedy is gay??? You better say the pledge young man!
They voted for Parliment members who will draft a constitution who will select a President, two Vice Presidents and a Prime Minister. Whoa, could I actually post without being sarcastic???
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