Remembering a Genius Today

I was sitting in my room with a buddy, playing guitar and singing songs. Pink Floyd songs, Who songs, Moody Blues songs, and especially Beatles songs. Then my door opened, the door that hung under four pictures of four brilliant musicians: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. My little sister abruptly spewed,
"Mary (our stepmother) told me to tell you John Lennon was shot and killed. She also said you can have a party when they get the killer."
"Get out of my room Stacey, you are full of crap!"
"It's on the news, see for yourself."
The lives of two teenage boys, and millions of others, had just changed. And there it was all over the news.
John Lennon had been shot to death. Holy shit. How can that be? What will happen to music? Now the Beatles will NEVER get back together...ever.
My mom, who shares Lennon's birthday (and John Entwistle) and died the same year (yeah a little weird) always told me they would get back together. Now they never will. The next day at school was filled with knowing nods and glances from fellow stoners who knew. Knew the genius of Lennon, especially in the Beatles. Lennon's solo work did not offer me the escape as Beatles songs, but was John. The one and only John...
No ramblings here about the legacy of his music. It speaks for itself. The man who once claimed his rock and roll band is bigger than Jesus, is with Him now. Remember him today. Slap on Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, or Hard Day's Night and relish in the goodness.
Remembering a genius and huge influence in my life. Rest in peace John. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hi Lionel,
I wasn't born at the time John died, but I still feel sad that he's gone.
I also made a tribute post to John, but also for the guitarist of Pantera, who died the same way and same day John did. What is it with crazed fans?!
What a sad day in history- the loss of a legend and a true force of a person in every way. He was such a brilliant man & showed the possibility of imagining....
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