Guitars Not Guns (The shiningbrightsuperfuckingnova)

I ran into this organization awhile ago and it inspired me. This was a while back when, I believe, I realized I was heading down life miserably, and that my soul was suffering. We had just left the cultchurch and I was searching for meaning. Music had become something only for "the church" and I started remembering lies my father told me when he was pissed.
"When are going to stop all that Mickey Mouse guitar playing and do something!"
---Mickey Mouse guitar playing...ouch.
Those of you that tag along my story know that I have been on a journey lately. Some dreams are starting to come true. Let's not forget the shining bright super fucking nova!
This leads me to Guitars Not Guns. This organization gives guitars and lessons to foster kids and underprivileged kids. I contacted them a while back but put it on the back burner. Well today I went on their website and saw they have me listed as the contact for the AZ chapter. SO, I might as well go for it. I emailed for info and I am going to get this going.
I was "well off" as a child, at least monetarily, but emotionally all I had to comfort me at times was my axe. Playing the guitar helped me forget the yelling, the crying, the loneliness, and the confusion I grew up in. I put on an album, cranked up my amp, and I was no longer a trouble making little punk. I was a rock star! Today I am committing to share this with other kids!
I might even teach them the proper technique of smashing them!
Hey Lionel!
I got the announcements! I will definately have another chance to see The Who!
Although I hate to be the one to tell you this, but they're not coming to Phoenix.
But don't let that stop you, they're coming to San Diego! I plan to go to that show, you should come too!
I still have hope that they will add a PHX show...I heard Pete say it on the radio and he wouldn't lie to me DAMMIT!!!
If not, oh well, I guess I have to go to San wife would "hate" that!! (implied sarcasm)
I'm sure Pete will play in Phoenix. It seems to me like more dates get added when a tour is very successful, and I think it is doing very well!
Glad you are enjoying the cd's!! Rock on!
Did you get the John Mark CD too?
Yes! It just came in the other day. I still need to spin it!
I did it! I got a ticket to the San Diego Show!
You're gonna LOVE it!!! He was in my church playing last year. That song I am a temple hit me straight in my heart. I had just done something stupid that I knew was wrong and then we sang that song durign worship. It freed me!!! Well, I was already free, just that song helped me remember that. When I got this CD, that's the only song I listened to for like 100 times before I listened to any of the others. The last song on the CD, in the last verse, he's crying, for real. When he sings about Steven, that, I think, was a youth minister that got killed in a car crash I think. He was in his 20s. Then there's that one song, can't remember what it's called righ tnow, but he just belts out with all his lungs and soul, "Son of David...DON'T PASS ME BYYYYY!!!!! I'm naked, I'm poor and I'm blind!" Everything he's got. Man! LOVE IT!
Oh, and doesn' tthe 1st song on the CD sound like a Jefferson Starship song? HA!
Hi Lionel,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey, you too!!!!!!!I really need a new post!
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