Everything I Know, I Learned From Chong

I just read an article about Tommy Chong . I used to love Cheech and Chong as a kid, yes a kid. The kid I hung around with, who turned me on to pot and other things, turned me on to Cheech and Chong. We would get tape recorders and record our own versions of Cheech and Chong bits. I was always Cheech, because, well, I was the Mexican! I wish I had those old tapes, we were pretty good.
I digress.
Chong tossed out an old Buddhist or Confucian quote, you've heard it, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears". I have thought and wrote many times that I wish I had a guru of sorts to guide me. Most of the people in my life aren't teachers per se. My good friend and pastor gives me good advice but he isn't a teacher and doesn't claim to be. Is there a Mr. Miagi out there for a middle aged artist?
Yes, Jesus is my guide, but I am still reeling from the cult church. My bible is pretty heavy right now and my mind still filled with legalism.
Chong just wrote a book while he was in jail, The I Chong: Meditations from the Joint. The title is an obvious take on I Ching, which I was pretty into in college. I always dug Eastern Mysticism because of the serendipity factor. Weird, I ran across that word today, serendipity, and pondered it just before I came across the Chong article. Ironic or obvious that I would run into something I needed while looking for something else.
I have long felt there was something on the horizon for me. And I keep waiting. Maybe I should stop waiting. I AM doing some thing to perpetuate my future but not enough. Not enough writing, playing, and recording.
I wonder if I am even ready for a teacher. Maybe my teacher is Chong!
Or maybe I should burn one and relax. (and watch my "Christiany" friends cringe)
Sigur Ros deserves a chance from everyone. Make sure you listen to their album, Taak...
Let me know what you think.
...farted a bubble? HAHAHAHA!!! no, but I wish I did!
I read your last post. I recentl yhave felt the same. I talked to my sweet man for 1 1/2 hours Sunday and he helped me get things in perspective and put my focus where it belongs. When I woke up Monday my attitude was amazingly better and I even had a better week at work. If I can, I'll write you an e-mail about it.
Gotta go or else i'll b elate for work.
: )
Z, I downloaded a few songs off their site and while I definitely appreciate their talent, my penchant for power chords found me switching to my regular playlist. I will check out that album though.
PTF, it's good (poor choice of words) to hear I am not alone. Glad you are back on track today, I am too!
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