Townshend Was God Again Today...not really

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
As a believer in God, Jesus Christ, I am a bit ashamed that I turned to Pete Townshend for comfort and peace. After a particularly crappy morning where my inner ugly self emerged, my prayers did not yield comfort. I turned to Quadrophenia for comfort and peace. I remember listening to Quad in my teens when life was confusing, lonely, and sometimes terrifying. I listened to the story of the young Mod who was confused, lonely, and sometimes terrified. I related to this fictional character better than I did to my friends. Then back that up with some of the best guitar, bass, drums, and vocals ever recorded and I was good to go.
Today, at 40, I feel like the teenager I was. I feel lost and lonely. I have Quad playing and somehow I feel safe and understood. NOW, here is the spiritual question: Am I denying the real God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for a mortal, man-made, form of comfort? Am I turning to things of this world to make sense of my world? If so, my faith looks pretty weak. BUT THERE IS ANOTHER WAY TO LOOK AT THIS...Perhaps God, in His infinite love and compassion, GAVE me a collection of music, and He gave me the most intense musical passion, to soothe my soul. As I listen, I still think about God. Perhaps He gave this to me today to help me get closer to Him. Oh the staunch Christians will disagree but I don't care.
So, I am not praising Pete as I used to. I am praising God for Him...For giving me somewhere to go and feel safe. My heart opens up to the guitars and I see that God is in my heart. God is comforting me. And they say rock and roll is dead. Thank you God!
Hey, Lionel -
It's all good. Quadrophenia is, in a very real sense, the real truth. I just turned 40, and I believe it's the best album ever written. Tommy was written to appease a certain music critic in Great Britain - a manipulation, and ironically was claimed as a masterpiece. Quadrophenia, on the other hand, was Townsend bearing his soul about his inability to fit in, and his inner conflice of wanting to be like everyone else. Quadrophenia never reached the heights of Tommy. That's the beauty of it, only a select number of people really get it, feel it, lived it, albeit maybe on a completely different Continent. At the end of Quadrophenia, Jimmy is ends up on rock all by himself strande, but he never really sells out; he's an individual. So, much anger and beauty in that album, and when I hear it, sure I think about Townsend, but I think about God, the power of the ocean, and like you, I thank God for giving Pete a voice, the talent and that brutal open G power chord. You said it well, Lionel. Your dialed in. So hey, Lionel, can't you see the real me? Can ya....Can ya?
AMEN, brother or sister...WHO ARE YOU??( No pun, well maybe one)...we were obviously separated at birth!!!
I can't believe I dropped the "h" in Townshend, Lionel. Is that bush league or what?
In answer to your question, I'm just a 40 year old, American Mod, Lionel. I saw your post and thought, "Jeeze, this guy's got it wired; it's everyone else who's missing the point."
I'll give you something to think about, Lionel. It always gives me comfort. The most profound question ever asked of me was, "What was Judas' Escariot's greatest sin?" To which I answered, "betraying Jesus, of course." I was then corrected, and told, "Oh no. It was his failure to ask for His forgiveness."
Saint Peter denied Christ three times and all the apostles, except John, abondoned him when he suffered and died; yet, they are known as Saints. Had Judas not hung himself, Jesus would have forgave him too. So, quit being so critical of yourself, Lionel.
Your assignment is to que up, "Cut My Hair", turn up the volume until it's just under the threshold of painf and revel in your own individuality....
Yes, dropping the "h" is a bit like saying Kenny Jones was the drummer for the Who. Again, I am inspired by your post. I accept your assignment and it's time to crank some Quad...then I'll get down on my knees and pray...then I may need to head into Who's Next...Wont Get Fooled Again sounds about right...I mean, why should I care if I have to cut my hair??? Thanks for stopping by again!
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