
The Ever-Widening Kingdom of God: My Nomadic Journey

Gods kingdom continues to get larger and larger for me. Actually, my perception and knowledge of the kingdom is getting larger. Since leaving a very self-centric church I have met with, worshipped with, emailed with so many different brothers that my head is spinning. I recently got an email from a pastor at One Church about getting together to play some guitar. We only met once for coffee but he has emailed me a couple time to see how my family and I are doing. That is kingdom stuff! I have received emails from Bobby and Zack who I look forward to meeting.

I have been trained over the last six years to only fellowship with people from my own church. I was also trained that other churches didn't have it together "like we had." Basically, I was trained into believing there was really only one church...the one I was in. Now I know that teaching was wrong and even abusive.

I have visited one church recently, Moon Valley, and I play guitar at another church on Sunday nights, PV Methodist. Two messages of truth in one day! I have more on my list to visit-I want to go and check out Praxis, Flood the Desert, the Lifeat Scottsdale and check out Wes (thanks for the Lincoln CD!)and his praise team. I have met with some pastors from these churches and they all seem very cool. No judgement or legalistic garbage, just the message of Jesus! I have received so much grace and love from these guys. No one is trying to change me or tell me they have it all together...a refreshing change from a recent past. Humility too...VERY refreshing!

I am enjoying the coolest spritiual journey right now...like a nomad wandering from villiage to villiage, sharing Christ in His eternal kingdom. This is worlds apart from where I have been in the last 6 years. The kingdom gets bigger and bigger every day. I have been so deceived, but Jesus is showing me the truth, His people, His ways, His ever-widening kingdom.

Soundtrack=Lincoln Brewster: For These Reasons


At 2/11/2006, Blogger cindi said...

Beautiful words, L. I love how big and diverse the Body of Christ is.... and its especially amazing how we are all connected by one Spirit. I hope your family is well in heart. You all have my prayers.


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