
Soul Singing

I don't know if I am really messed up but I am obsessed with the music video Soul Singing by the Black Crowes. It's just the boys in a big green field playing music with people dancing around. Maybe it's because I know what that feels, tastes, and smells like. It feels like freedom, it tastes like honey, and it smells like green, green grass...I have never heard the song before but it got my soul singing. It sings to the deepest resesses of my heart and soul. Playing guitar in an open field, without a care in the world. All that matters at that point is the next chord, the next note, the next key change. It could go on forever and it does. So now begs the question: What the heck am I doing behind this freaking desk, wearing a tie? HUH???


At 2/07/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're helping educate america's you--, oh hell, i can't do this anymore. i cant lie. i don't know what you're doing there.

At 2/08/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

You are always there for me!


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