Pitch To Bonds...I Mean Estrada

I am one proud father! Tonight, for the first time in the 6 long, grueling years of watching my son play Little League baseball, I saw a 12 year old kid get intentionally walked! The batting team was down by one, and some lanky, long-haired kid with a pointy chin and and attitute walked up to the plate. The opposing coach called his team in for a pep talk. Then, something that has only happened a couple time before (according to a long standing Little League coach), they pitched out to the batter! Some parents were freaking, especially a certain beautiful, brunette mom who was almost in tears! Then not much longer after the first pitch, OTHER parents were yelling, "Pitch to Bonds!"
Well they walked the kid...and I am the proudest father in the Paradise Valley East Little League! They pitched out to MY BOY!! The ultimate respect for a ball player! Yes, the next batter made the team pay by tying it up BUT, they intentionally walked my boy!
I have never been prouder of him! Not even when he hit an in-the-park home run and I had to buy him an X-Box wireless headset...but tonight my son received the greatest respect a ball player can receive...an intentional walk.
He has his smirk, and is a bit tired of his old man talking about it BUT, tonight my son was intentionally walked. Something that, as legend has it, has only happened once before in our league.
Not bad for the son of an old rock and roll guitar player!
Congrats Alex! See you at Chase Field! You are one of the great ones already!!
must. resist. urge. to. make big head. joke. and. ruin. this. touching. post.
Mr. P, essentially you just ruin it. I hate you.
Barb, thanks for YOUR kind words, unlike my friend Keith! I still haven't decided what I am going to do about worship leading. Jeff is mentoring me and helping me see God's plan for my life! MY SON GOT WALKED!!!
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