

My wife and I have made some big plans, wonderful plans, exciting plans. We have decided not to just get by but work to live our lives the way we want to. Now that we are gone from that f-ed up church, we feel free. We have a plan to help her with her chronic pain so she can start to work on getting her bachelor's degree...she has a full four-year ride!!! Then she is going to med school. Dr. Angell!! I admit it, I can't wait to see her in her white coat and, well, the rest is none of your business.
I have also decided to make some big changes and not wait around for my yearly "merit raise." In May, I am starting real estate school for 4 weekends in a row, and I am gonna sell some freakin houses. I am hoping this will turn into something good...in the mean time I still have a steady job. Sell houses on the weekends, save up, and take my kids to Disneyland, Universal, where ever, and finally take my wife on a proper honeymoon!!
I have always been afraid of doing something like this but I have nothing to lose. I am not quitting my job and hoping for the best...and if it works out big, then I win. I am really tired of letting my insecurities run my life...and I am tired of not having money to do even the most basic fun things...like vacations, guitars, and guitars...and even a couple more guitars...oh did I mention guitars???
I have been working with a counselor who has reminded me of who and what I am...not who I was told I am. I am believing that God created me unique, creative, intelligent, and sometimes funny as hell...at least to me...I have spent too much time getting old...it's time to go for it...plus I'm getting old.
More on all of this later...but I am excited! I am already started getting a list together of things I will be saying:
1. Damn Honey, you look hot in that white lab coat!
2. Yeah, I have to show some houses this weekend.
3. Where would you like to go to dinner tonight?
4. Sure son, I think we can get you a new baseball mitt...on the way to the D-backs game (I have season tickets.)
5. Yes my little princess, Daddy will get you that pink dress.
6. Dilemmma...should I play the Telecaster or the Les Paul today...
7. Damn Honey, you look hot in that white lab coat!

This list may seem a bit materialistic but, whatever. You are too, I am just admitting it.


At 3/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm excited for the both of you. this is all awesome.

At 3/27/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

then I'm gonna write some freaking songs!


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