
Winds of Change

Alert: God is moving, in my life and yours. It is up to you to look for His leading, signs, and the wonders.
I received an exciting phone call from a fabulous cousin who lives in New York. She has been pimping me up to her cousin who works for a prestigious marketing/PR/ad firm. We are meeting at a party on Monday. She even mentioned the need for male news anchors...go a head and laugh, but that would be cool! I was reminded today that I have been thinking small...as far as opportunities, what I am worth monetarily, and creatively. I have been working in low paying education jobs for so long, I don't know how much money there is to be made in other more creative arts...which is where I belong. This isn't just about money, it's about the 8-10 hours a day I spend away from the people I love most. ALL my time needs to provide a sense of well being and accomplishment. So, onward and upward!

The best part is, my cuz told me not to cut my hair...this has been bothering me lately!


At 5/24/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Barb. I am hoping this meeting with my cousin opens a few doors for me. I am tired of hating my job!!

At 5/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks someone has a groupie...


At 5/25/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

HA! I play music with her at church. She is a wonderful person and friend!

At 5/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

groupies rock!


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