The Up End of the Rollercoaster
So much to report that overshadows the debit card thing! We got our money back and I really couldn't give a crap anymore. The darkness lasted only a little while, and I appreciate all the comments of encouragement! The rollercoaster ride I live on is on the upswing...not financially but emotionally and spiritually. When I get my eyes off my junk I can see how great things really are and are going to be. To save time, I will make a list.1. Mr Pinkerton deleted another comment of mine from his blog. I think it was because I called him out on being attention-seeking and psudo-sentimental again. He always deletes those, even though his "readers" know his game.
2. I had a long talk with Dan from Songpull about getting one going here in Phoenix. The most exciting thing for me in a long time. Do go check out what Songpull is all about. It is an awesome deal and I want to thank Zach for originally posting about it on Dopamine Addict. I do NOT think it was an accident that I stumbled across it.
3. I am getting back together with my old guitar playing partner from my two best bands, The Rundles and Beggar's Theater. Paul and I are working up an acoustic set for now and see where it goes.
4. Going to a worship conference this weekend up north where it is cooler. Plenty of prayer and music for the next two days...and a few beers when the legalists aren't around!!
5. My kids and I had dinner with my dad and little brother the other night after 5 long years. The old man was so happy to see his grandkids. I know I hurt him by keeping them away from him but a mind-controlling pastor had his hooks in me. Thank God that He is the god of reconcilliation!
6. I found out there is a industry involved in Arts Administration...more on that later so I don't get fired.
7. Best of all I realized that my wife is not responsible for my spiritual and emotional happiness and contentment. She can help but it is not her responsibility. I blame her too much when I am unhappy. It is not your fault my love. I will take responsibility to go after what my soul needs to do.
So there it is. This list blows away having my bank account emptied! I welcome any and ALL comments, no matter how sarcastic...(for you Mr. P...I mean Mr. Sensitive-blech)
Hi Lionel,
I'm so glad that you were able to get the debit card thing straitened out.
Looks like things are looking up too!
Take care!
yes! things are looking up...once I stopped looking down!
Hey, I haven't been around in awhile. Looks like I have lots to catch up on. I am a regular customer of rollercoaster rides, let me tell you!! And I don't mean the fun kind at the amusment park, alhough I wish I did.
Important thing to keep our eyes, heart and mind focused where they belong. Doens't take long to get all disoriented, does it? Sheesh. Don't I know it!!
I'll catch up on your other posts later. I gotta run now.
Oh, I'll jot you a real quick e-mail as soon as I sign out here.
Alright buddy. I read your posts and commented in reverse order, the last one being the Wire and Glass post. I hope I made sense.
Oh, on one of the comments I was going to remind you of your incredible love for your beautiful wife, but I forgot. So I am now. You mentioned something about communication at home not being the best ever. Sounds like you go through a lot of extremes. Your wife has been there for you through everything. Sounds like you let emotions run wild and you see things a lot through your emotions. I'm not putting you down at all, cuz I do the same thing!!! But I have found (But not mastered!) that when dealing with any relationship, be it your other half or God or anyone, that it is prudent to step back for a second and see what is real and what is an emotional reaction. Emotions are a good thing, we just can't let them rule us. Sometimes our emotions cloud our vision. It is good for us (through God of course) to control things, not let our emotions control things. What's that one scripture about holding every thought captive to Christ, or something like that? Look it up if you want to see what it really says.
I hope this speaks to you and I wasn't just talking for nothing. I hope I read you right and am not barking up the wrong tree.If I am barking up the wrong tree, please forgive me. It just seems like we struggle with the same things.
Oh yeah, p.s. I have written a lot, but you have shared and bared your soul so I am just answering by opening up my heart as well. So the p.s. is that I too am trying to figure out how to integrate into my life what I would like to do creatively. I haven't done anything for such a long time. I really love to do art. I like to play guitar and write songs too but I am not very talented in that area. Now with my art, since I haven't done it in such a while I am not really all that good anymore. So I have to practice, so to speak , to get back to where I was. Thing is I have very little time and practically no money. Art supplies are expensive. But I really want to get back into it, I just have to find a way. It sounds like we really have a lot in common. We'll get there. Keep praying and we'll find a way.
Ok, I'm done now. I gotta get going on my day!
I think if anyone could benefit from Songpull, it would be you. You've got the M.O. man.
Dan's a good guy. So is Jason if you ever talk to him. I've been friends with these guys for many many years. Through good and bad.
Z: I talked to Dan for a long time. ALan emailed me too. They are all over getting a Songpull going with me in Phoenix. I am excited about this. After talking with Dan I realized we share the same faith so this leads me to beleive this is not a mistake.
PTFan, thanks for all of your comments. You are right on the mark! I sent you a longer thank you on your blog!
We're all excited at songpull to put Phoenix on the map. Looking forward to it.
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