
Guitar and Pen Friday 4

I wrote this a while back after, well, you'll get the picture. Thankfully, my wife is very forgiving to my moodiness. She has put up with a lot in the 13 or so years we have known each other. But hey, she was the one who fell in love with a musician!

The pic to the right is a good expression of how I feel after I act like a jerk. If I could, I would! After reading this again I see a selfishness and self-centeredness in the words. I could blame it all on being an artist--the torture inside that causes us to look sometimes too deeply into ourselves to come up with answers, expressions, visions, etc. The torture isn't always a bad thing, perhaps a better word would do...there is something...perhaps a burning, a yearning. Did I just blame being a jerk on being an artist?

Edge of Forgiveness

Today is the day that sorry just won't do

I can't take the pain I inflicted on you

Now I am where I don't know what to do

Except say I'm sorry again, and I love you

I reached down and took a shot

I hit you square in the heart

I used my pain to bruise you

Used my pain to hurt you

So I sing from the edge of forgiveness

Waiting to hear her call

And I sing from the edge of forgiveness

Wondering if I'm worth it at all

I've searched and cannot find, a way to rewind

But there are no take backs in love

I've been here before, time after time

Please don't take back your love

Copyright© 2006 Stradasphere Music


At 7/21/2006, Blogger PTfan said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful wife. Hey man, we aren't perfect, and if we find the right someone, they love us anyway, or inspite of that imperfection. Listen to the song Imperfection by Rachel about Pete.

If you are fortunate enough to be in a marriage like the one you have, it very often is a picture of sorts of God's love for us. He loves us no matter what and gives us grace and stays with us even when we hurt Him over and over. I have been fortunate to find a man who loves me like that. We are not married yet, but hopefully someday. This man, through his love towards me, has taught me many lessons about God's love for me. My relationship with him, has helped me understand my relationship with Him. Know what I'm saying?

Good for you for being not only honest, but humble as well.

At 7/21/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

PTFan: how right you are. My wife exhibits God's love for me over and over. She's been with me in one way or another through piles of drugs, lusts, and an assortment of rock and roll crap. We are still together and stronger for it. I am happy you have someone like that in your life, and that you have God in your life as well!

Thanks for stopping by! God bless you!! And watch that freaking webcast! It is amazing!!!!

At 7/21/2006, Blogger Dale said...

It is the creative soul who does the most searching...

At 7/21/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

dale: how true! it seems that there is so much pain in the search sometimes...I mean look at our favorite songwriter..he endured so much pain for his art...yes, and a lot of joy...the question is: are all artists tortured to some degree??

At 7/22/2006, Blogger Dale said...

Yes, I believe there is a torture/conflict that drives...

I also believe that once love has been put out there, it can never be taken back.

At 7/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my "Magic Man"Why settle for anything less?
Your adoring wife,

At 7/23/2006, Blogger who4ever said...

I read your post but I don't understood very well, anyhow GREAT GREAT PICTURE OF PETE!

Ciao ciao,



At 7/23/2006, Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Lionel,
You are very lucky to have your wife. I can imagine that being a musician isn't always easy. Musicians have so much temptation around them. If you guys can make it through the roughest times, you can get through anything.

At 7/26/2006, Blogger Natters said...


I saw you on Metal Chick's blog and just thought I'd tell that your blog is cool. I'll add a link to yours on mine. Please pop over sometime.




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