Manic Music Monday!

OK, try and stay with me here.
A few months ago, I decided to get ahold of an old college buddy. We talked and shared some laughs and lunch. We went through acting school together and had some amazingly crazy times. He told me the other day he talked to another nut we called Popcorn. Well Poppy and I shared a couple emails. He is also a musician. Well this morning I got an email from an up and coming artist named Jeff Eaton. He has a tasty CD out and is working on getting the buzz going. Popcorn gave him my email. He is looking for a "great guitarist" to join his band! I listened to his tunes and they are quite good. A nod to the Americana singer songwriter thing that got lost in grunge and hip hop, sadly enough.
Reading his bio, we have a lot in common. A wild past of drugs and music. Now, we are both off the drugs and have a connection with God. He has an excellent and unique voice, a bit lower than most, which I dig. I can't hang with high voices, except Pete!
A weird thing is that a review mentioned a songwriter named Freedy Johnston as a similarity. Sometime back when I was doing acoustic nights around town, someone told me the same thing about my music and voice. That would be the fourth degree of separation if you have been following along!
SO, I emailed him and he asked me to go to a rehearsal tonight but he had to reschedule do to drummer issues (those drummers, I tell ya!) I emailed my good friend, brother and music pastor who encouraged me not to doubt this. Whether it works out or not, he reminded me that God has blessed me with gifts and talents that have blessed others. My tendancy is to shuffle what could be a huge blessing into some self-deprecating something. My beautiful wife sees it as an opportunity for a dream to come true...not the immature rock star dream, but the music dream. Just to be back in it would be so very cool. So, I will go, and see what God has for me!
Oh and do try and check out Jeff's music. I believe it to be quite tasty.
ALSO, I recorded Comes a Day over the weekend...there is a rough mix of it here. My first public offering of my music in over 10 years! I welcome your comments!! PEACE! I probably wrote it on a guitar much like this Tele.
Nice Telecaster Deluxe photo, sir! ;)
Tele fans should see the rest of my Tele Deluxe photos, and then these photos.
Yes I admit it, I nicked the photo from Matt's site! Do look at those shots. The Deluxe Tele is one of the coolest guitars ever!!
Lionel - Where can I find Comes a Day on your blog?
I love that song!
Oh shoot! I need the link. I can email it to you in the meantime.
Dale, check your email!
I am excited for you! Don't let it get away. You have your wife and your pastor both encouraging you to go for it. I'm happy for you. Go and see where it leads. Well, you already said you are, so I don't need to tell you that, I'm just excited is all! Hooray!
Thanks PTFan, my brain is spinning with the possibilities...I told me son and he said "well isn't that what you've always wanted to do" YES!!
Check out Jeff's music, it just might bless you!
Long Live Rock!!!
I hope it all turns out good for you! We're all rooting for you! :)
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