
Love is Patient, I'm Not

I read this somewhere! I am finding I need to remember this on a daily basis. My beautiful love is going through so much pain and misery lately and I forget the patience part of love very often. I get to a point about once or twice a week where I just don't want to hear about her pain, any complaints, negativity, hopelessness, you get the picture. Usually these nights mean I knock myself out and sleep through my own pain. In some ways, I check out on my wife and life and hope the tomorrow brings clarity. What it usually brings is another long talk with my love, an renewed committment to be more compassionate and sometimes some...well that is none of your business.

Today is one of those days. I have spent much of the day on the phone, listening, talking, and trying to come up with solutions...but I think I just need to listen more, love more, be more patient.


At 2/08/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very true my friend, we mess up when we offer solutions. listen. not to the solutions that are whirling in your mind, but to her.

At 2/09/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

yeah I have all the answers...but often times not the right ones!

At 2/10/2006, Blogger e said...

Lionel...I admire many things about you, but the thing that I admire most is the love that you have for your wife. I see how you two are there for each other, and through some pretty intense situations. You are too hard on yourself, my friend. Yes, it is always good to want to listen more to those you love, but you are human too, and you cannot expect yourself to be the perfect partner, all of the time. I have never been as surrounded by love as I am when I have the pleasure of spending time with you and your family, and I think that, a far as loving, and patience, and support go, you and your wife are about the most successful people I know! You two give me hope that true love is out there.

At 2/11/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Robin, that means a lot and is a wonderful thing to say. I will have to remember that the next time love seems far away.

At 2/23/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I give the credit to God on this one. I ask Him everyday what He wants me to do when things get tough with Angell(my wife)and He says,"Listen to her, love her the way I do."

I think us (cave)men all want to listen more deeply, but a lot of us are afriad of intimacy. Most times I would rather be selfish and check out. But then there is God's unmistakable voice asking me to listen and love. You know, like He does for me! I will pray your H will listen more! And thanks for stopping by!


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