
There are but a few words

Thanks to CNN, I relived this day, the images, and many of the emotions. I was unemployed living in a small apartment with my family. I remember being so grateful for what I had that day. Now I have so much more and am less grateful. No matter your political views on this, take a moment to pray, be silent, whatever, for the victims of this atrocity. We still live in the greatest country in the world. I know my friends in the UK may differ on this, but today let me win on this! I find myself so attracted to the images all over again. Morbidity? Curiosity? Amazement? It still seems so unimaginable. But then I remember for many this was all too real. My heartfelt prayers to all of them and may God save a special place in heaven for each of them.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.


At 9/14/2006, Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Lionel,
It's amazing that everyone still remembers where they were on this day. This post is very good. I did one of my own which explains how I felt that day and how I feel today. You should see it.



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