Zoloft Is For Normal People

Which would everyone have preferred, a highly medicated, fully stabilized Vincent Van Gogh, or the Van Gogh of Starry Night?
I read this somewhere. Exceptional people are hard to accept. Not that I am claiming to be exceptional but I know I am not "normal" in the eyes of most. My wife sings my praises but has a hard time dealing with how I function on this planet. When I feel normal, it almost seems like a sell out. Weird. I see so many "normal" people, at work, church, wherever, and I think they might have it all together. I struggle with life at such a molecular level sometimes. I wanted to use the word granular there but...
I was wondering where all this came from then it dawned on me...I watched U2 and Green Day perform at the Superdome. That was extraordinary, exceptional.
I was told recently by a good and godly man that "the greatest thing I can strive for is a healthy family." Yes, he is right. And what if I pulled that off? Would it be enough? Is that exceptional or normal. Having a healthy family should come easy...if everyone would just listen to my drummer!
My head is in the clouds again and my body is in a tie.
The thing with creative types is that they tend to struggle more internally. I've talked about this before with my own wife. I've often envied dumb frat boy types who live for nothing but pussy and beer.
Is ignorance truly bliss?
We are not given a choice as to who we are, whether in this life or eternity. You are, and you function the way you do because it's not only in your molecular makeup, but in your very soul.
Creative types struggle with "feeling normal" and who they are everyday. We feel that by getting help, we are sacrificing the very thing that makes us special. And face it man, you can't stand the thought of losing it.
I can't either.
We can ask whether we should bend for society or if society should bend for us. But the bottom line is we have no choice but to be a bright fucking star in this world, even if we have to burn out doing it.
Not everyone like the sun. But you're a light in this mediocre dark subliminal world. A bright super fucking nova.
You're going to have to deal with it. It makes you wonder if Jesus was in rehab from the age of 12-30 dealing with his own brightness. I'm sure the news wasn't easy to take.
Zach: out.
Well said my brother. "A bright super fucking nova"...I'll take that. And no, I can't stand the thought of losing it. Each tie I put on and each meeting I go to seems to drain a little of my soul. So I started keeping a guitar pick in my pocket. When I am talking to my boss, I put my hand in my pocket and hold that pick...not my dick...the pick. It reminds me that sooner or later I will have my bright green Gretsch in my hands and my amp turned up to 11.
Shine on Zach...and get your Songpull going.
Hi Lionel,
I heard that Van Gogh did most of his paintings while in an institude. I saw a movie about him, and it looked like painting helped him feel better.
Being normal is boring, in fact, what does being normal mean? I think everyone has their own definition of Normal. We each have our own normal routines that others may find unusual.
Yes I agree Metalchick! I guess I mean normal from a societal sense isn't too appealing to me. I love my family life which might seem a bit normal, but the rest of it, i.e. corporate America and the wearing of ties and sitting at desks drains my soul!!!
Long Live Rock!
Ugh! I would hate to live the 9 to 5 life too!
Hey, have you heard The Who channel on Sirius? It ROCKS! You can listen to it online for free for three days if you get the free trial. You should try it if you haven't yet.
Long Live Rock!
Very few of us are normal. Some people just put on a better act or hold it together better.
Normal is boring.
Yes, normal is boring. And putting on "the act" takes a lot of effort for creative types. I have to do that at work everyday. Luckily my family seems to understand me! Or at least they put up with me!
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