Remembering my cousin David

A little more than a year ago, my cousin David was shot. A story came out on the news and I thought I would share. They have never found the scumbag who shot him. He was 20.
I used to call him Dangerous Dave because he looked sharp in a white tux. A little mini 007. I missed his teenage years but know he was an awesome young man. His mom and dad are wonderful and his sisters are fabulous. I grew up with his older brothers. I know their hearts must heart deeply too see this on TV but the killer is still at large.
Here is the video feed that came out on TV here in Phoenix.
It is so senseless. I can't understand how a mind can get so deranged as to want to take a life from someone and a family. I can understand, how a mind can get so angry at something like that one would want a violent revenge. But whether the killer is caught or not, one day he/she will meet God. I am sure He has a few things to say about this.
If you pray, please send a prayer to my family. You are also welcome to send good thoughts, energy, or simply love. It's really all the same. David is in a much better place, cliche as it is to say, but it is true. He is in heaven, yet his family is still down here missing him.
Shine on Dangerous Dave
I am so sorry to hear the tragic story of your cousin David.
I have sent prayers & good thoughts your way & that of your family.
Good of you to remember him.
Thank you so much Dale...BTW, For Those About To Rock came on my internet radio station today and I couldn't help thinking about you!
Gee I wonder why!
Thanks for stopping by and thank you so much for your prayers!
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