Dogs Part 3

I write this post bleary-eyed and a bit cantankerous. Our neighbors have new dogs. Oh how cute they are, so sweet and lovable...and I just LOVE it that they bark ALL NIGHT LONG! I went outside at least three times last night, or should I say this morning, and tossed lemons over the fence to distract them, to no avail. I can't get mad at the dogs, well I can but I shouldn't, it is the owners who deserve my scorn. They have done this before with some viscious looking fighting dogs, but they are gone...hmmm. I feel like a Nosy Nora but I am calling the Humane Society. Dogs shouldn't bark for 6 hours straight, something is amiss. And I need some rest. I feel like the day after an all-nighter, except I don't do those stupid things anymore!
Perhaps the latest webcast or ITA may cheer me up at work.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor's dogs. You should complain to them, but in a nice manner. We have a jack Russell Terrier that barked a lot during the night. Our neighbors complained to us about it, and we did something about it. We keep her inside the house at night. Hopefully your neighbors will do the same.
Thanks MC, I don't sleep well as it is...unless I have had a few! I will resist being nasty to the neighbor folks!
Hey, Strad:
Thanks for the compliments. I'm adding your link to --
You're welcome to add mine to yours.
Peace -
Great blog you have here.
By all means, call the humane society. I would.
Poor doggies, it is like they are being driven insane, and taking you along with them.
Here is to another pair of shoes......
Jeff, you are added!! Nice to meet another with great musical taste!
lzygrl and metalchick: I actually went over there yesterday and politely asked them to keep their dogs inside! I subtley dropped the word "police" a time or two but it worked. I think they mostly speak Spanish, but I told a id who obviously told his parents! I slept like a baby last night! With a little help from Jose...Curevo that is!
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