Bristol In My Room!

After some technical difficulties I finally got to watch the webcast from Bristol! They broadcasted My Generation, Won't Get Fooled Again, and Substitute. The boys were in excellent form! But first let me say, as been said many times, Pino and Zak are excellent backups! While no one can replace the battery of Moon and the OX, Pino and Ringo Jr. did a helluva job! They didn't show Simon except for the curtain call....OK the music!
It was so nice to see Pete playing through a HiWatt head through a Mesa Boogie cab! My Generation started out strong and had hints of some of the tastiness from the first Leeds recordings...a little echo here, distortion there and very cool rhythm variations...the Pete of old! Roger sang like the powerhouse he is! Even some of his vocal stylings hinted at the old days..."Talikn' 'bout m mmmmy my". Pino nailed the bass runs, never trying to be John. A sort of scattered ending ala Pete messing around with his effects pedals...very loose, very Pete.
Then there was a nod to Rabbit and the welcoming synth of WGFA started. Our man Pete had his own version of the beginning riff! A little off time, then in true PT fashion, he continued to play the chords slightly off as to say, I meant to do that! Very Pete! He chorded the song differently at the beginning which through me off at first but, Pete will be Pete. Again, Roger sounded strong as ever, rarely straining for notes, mic swingin away.
THEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE (3-song) SHOW! At the end, Pete put one arm over his eyes and did this one handed soloing that was, well, plain f$%#ing tasty! Literally single handedly noodling a little solo. LOOK RACHEL, NO HANDS! I have never seen him do that before!
They said goodnight then came back out with Substitute. Again, Pete and Roger added some of the old stlyings from the old days. They looked like they were having fun!
Gone was Pete with only an acoustic. Gone was a Roger searching for notes. The two greatest rock stars in the world were back with a fury. No shirt and jacket for Pete...Converse high tops, a t-shirt and jeans!
Guitarist note: Pete seems to have found a new love for the whammy bar. I have never seen him lay on that thing like he did tonight. Many guitar slingers can use the whammy, but leave it to the Birdman to make a sound all his own! While I long for all the old Les Pauls, Pete has turned his arsenal of Strats into a powerful force!
Before the encore, Pete thanked his band, then what we are all used to seeing...Pete Townshend and Roger Daltry, arm and arm thanking their fans.
99 cents??? I call that a Bargain, the best I ever had!
ONE MORE COOL THING: The webcast stays online! I am watching it all over again at work right now!
wow!!..oh My god!!
on 13th july I will go to the who's concert in Locarno!! (Swiss)
I AM JEALOUS!!! We will all need pictures, guitar picks, and exclusive interviews from you!!
I appreciate you giving me this gift, but I tried to download the video, but I only got the audio and no video.
anyways, Thank you!
That concert sounded really cool! As soon as I get 99 cents, I will watch the concert, if it's on a loop.
Long Live Rock! and The Who!
Sorry you couldn't get the vid Metalchick! 8(..
I hope at least got to watch it! I hope you get to watch at least a couple of the shows...the Hyde park one is the WHOLE Who concert for 99 cents!!!
That's OK! I found it on Youtube. I have it up on my video blog.
Right on Metalchick! Great Keith footage!
Hi Lionel,
How nice that you can watch it over again. Glad to see they're on fire- they jkust changed the Berlin venue to a smaller one due to poor ticket sales, and that just means I can get even closer. :)
AM have a great time...dont forget your camera!! LONG LIVE ROCK!!!
Hi again, I just updated my post to pay tribute to John & Keith.
Hi Lionel,
I plan to have the camera. It you check out an old blog entry of mine (Jan 2, 2006), you'll see my 6th row shot from Mountainview. That's the closest I ever got to Pete.
I dont have realone player at work but I bought it anyway.....Charity thingy.... I wish he would post some songs on Towser...
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