I'm Going Home, And When Wanna Go Home...

The wife is under the weather so I am staying home from work to help out. I was so pleased with the number of posts to my lyrics, I am very inspired to finish the guitar parts and put up at least a rough mix on IAC. All of you Who bloggers have been so wonderful with your comments! Great taste keeps great company! If you haven't yet, listen to some of Ian's songs, Jennifer's Garden is a stand out for me.
Thanks again to all of you who commented on Guitar and Pen Friday! Time for some more laundry then perhaps some ITA !
Oh and I am taking donations to buy this Pete Signature Les Paul I have wanted since I was 15!!!
Cash only please! (Hey a guy can dream can't he?)
Long Live Rock!
Yeah right. Well if that works for you well then I'll just start my own collection for donations to buy me one of them! LOL
I'll let you know how it works out!!! I love this guitar. I have had my eyes on it since 1979 or so!!!
Good luck with the donations, unfortunately I am not able to donate because I'm broke.
Ha! Thanks Metalchick! I may do a 24 hour telethon!
Hey a guy can dream can't he??!!
Nice axe, huh?
I am saving up for WHO tickets in the fall, so I'm out of the loop on the donations.
And thanks for the LINKS inclusion...I have to do that on my site!
Hey Sully, I think I would freak out if someone took me seriously on that!
I used to have a Who poster with that aze on it and it was all I thought about as a kid! I settled for a Aspen Les Paul copy with DiMarzios...but to me it was the #1 Deluxe!!!
Dear Lionel
I am not happy, because I am not able to download IAC.
Ask PTfan & the rest - my computer leaves much to be desired. I will not go into detail.
At least I am able to communicate!
I will go from here.
Dale, the frustrated Who Fan :)
I hope your wife is feeling better.
Give her my best.
Thanks Dale, we had a wonderful day together...some laundry and an Irish pub for lunch. She needed some TLC...she works nights and needed some help with the house today. She is feeling better!
Thanks so much for your sentiment!
Hey Lionel. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Wow, this is a cool place. I will be back to read it properly. I am off the The Who's Bristol concert now so not much time.
I love les Pauls. i have a Washburn Les Paul copy but not the real thing. I'm saving for a gibson accoustic like Pete's only another $6k to go!
I am off the The Who's Bristol concert now so not much time.
Delbut...no need to rub it in!!!
Welcome! The PT Gibson acoustic is a jem!! Have fun at the show!!
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