
Robin Hood and the Word of God

Greek youths rob supermarket, hand out food

The whole Robin Hood thing is pretty cool, I must admit...well besides the tights and all. It reminds me of the age old question of when or if breaking the law, or for all you religious types, sinning is justified. Which is why I hate listening to preachers take the bible and get all legalistic. Or even worse a friend calling themselves a "brother or sister in Christ" telling you how to run your life. It just gets worse and worse after that. Politicians, teachers...religious people in general pick and choose what is wrong and right because it is for or against the WORD OF GOD...then cheat on their taxes, their spouses, spank it to the SI swimsuit issue, and wear pleated khaki shorts.

This whole discussion reminded me of an email I got from a friend chastising me about my vote for Obama because he is "pro-abortion". Which isn't true anyway, I mean no one is PRO abortion. But if some douchebag raped a girl/woman I cared about, hell even if I didn't, I wouldn't bat an eyelash if she wanted to term the pregnancy. And, I can't imagine the loving God I believe in would want to watch that child grow up with all that shame. The soul can be saved by just foregoing the flesh suit.

Wow, I guess I had something to say afterall.
