Celebrate You
If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.
A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.
To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.
Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.
This is the time of year we celebrate YOU!
Bowing before Greatness,
The Universe
BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just found out I will be at Paradise Lounge tonite from 9-11! Unplug from holiday shopping and pop in for a drink and some music!!
4541 E Cactus Rd ·
(602) 953-2993
Giving and Giving
What people rarely give themselves credit for is that their giving continues giving, even after they've forgotten giving, and even when they didn't know they were giving, forever and ever and ever.
At least I'm keeping score,
The Universe
Lionel At Paradise Lounge Tonight! 7-9!
An eclectic set of your favorite songs (or not!) played by yours truly!
Beatles, Who, Crowes, Pearl Jam, Smithereens, Stones, Cash, Audioslave….i could go on and on!
No Cover-cheap drinks…cheaper jokes…good tunage!
Listings for paradise lounge near Phoenix, AZ

4541 E Cactus Rd Phoenix
(602) 953-2993
Earth Rocks
Most people will find the following very hard to believe but there is nothing, ever, worth being unhappy about.
Because no matter what happens, it will add to you, you'll still live forever, and our love affair will remain tabloid fodder in realms far, far away.
Thank you.
Earth rocks,
The Universe
Success From Eyes of The Universe
Just wanted to remind you that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed.
And I must say, you've done well for yourself.
Yeah us!
The Universe
Surrender, yet prepare
Surrender to the magic. That's why it's there. That's why you're there -- to learn that there really are miracles and that they abound, as if on command, once you understand the truth about your reality and heritage.
Surrender, yet prepare.
Ask, yet expect.
You can do this. You've been doing it your entire life. Be swift and awaken to the truth, because for the new souls now watching, your successes will also be theirs.
It's good to be you,
Get Down On It!
What one little thing could you do today within your means and your comfort zone, that would make you feel like a supercoolhappylovething?
Get down on it,
The Universe
Just Remembered to Remember John
On this day 29 years ago some dumbass blew away Lennon. NO, I have no flowery intro or poetic prelude to the story because there is no way to flower power this one up. I have been sad, confused, mortified, but today I am just plain mad. I missed out…we all missed out. Not just the holy grail of a Beatles reunion but the comeback of one of the greatest musical minds of all time. And how it happened makes no sense! Minutes after a photo shoot for his new album in years, he gets killed…NO MURDERED.
I know this is not much of a loving tribute, and I am sorry. But Lennon spoke his mind, so WWJD?
I did!
Peace John!
I need to find a ride home (N. Scottsdale) for my son and I from the concert!! If you can hook us up PLEASE send me a Facebook message with your number and I'll give you a call…or email me at lionel.estrada@gmail.com!! In the words of Joe Walsh…"I lost my license, now I don't drive"
THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shoot me an email and a got a beer for you!!!!