I'm Not Wearing Any Pants, Film at 11

The Pants are Off
Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I am without the pants. No, not my cotton Old Navy painter's pants, no not my beloved camo pants given to me by my good GI buddy, and not even my good old American Levi's. I am without my IRONPANTS. These pants were a gateway into the land of the blogosphere. My first glimpse of the depths of the cyberworld. These pants gave me an outlet for my ramblings and gloating on the defeat of backstabbing liberalism, wonderful musings about my beautiful family, and my Rolling Stone caliber rock and roll reviews. BUT ALAS, the pants are off.
The pants have hit the hamper all for love. The pants are a crumpled mass of literary khaki in a pile of otherwise boring and edge-less blogs. The is AB but I am not in the in-crowd there....and I am not a girl or family. I don't belong there anymore. But the pants...at the risk of offending lovey dovey associations, the pants belong to the goodwill of the blogsphere. So, in memorium...
10. IP has ran out of people to offend.
9. There is no longer anything fun to report from the weekends (at least no heavy drinking).
8. FOX news has bought it out to further their right wing agenda.
7. AB won't let IP blog at work anymore.
6. Going to church has really sink in.
5. He can't take back calling his finace "Boo" in public.
4. Boo won't let him.
3. He didn't listen to the Strad when warned about losing his edge.
2. IP is was really being written by HWMNBN
1. IP really has lost his edge.
Say it isn't so!!!
So I say farewell to the Pants...weekend reports, shitty kids drawings, open letters to spammers, and all that made coming to work enjoyable. I am happy for you IP, but you ruined my life you gutless bastard!
OK not really but she better be worth it. *sniff*...call me...