Answered Prayers!
The kingdom got a little bigger this morning. I young lady I work with asked if she could go to church with my wife and I some time?she feels like many of us?she wants something more. I tried to keep cool about it and we talked for a while?I turned her on to the emergent conversation and she seems to be digging it. She is very postmodern and I am excited for what God has for her!
I have been praying almost daily that someone from my team would find God, know Jesus, and that I would have the honor to help?more on this later.
And I am trying out a new blogger editor for Word.
The conversation continues!

I have really been into these guys lately...
great music, guitar work, and great lyrics...
these are some that sound like
a theme song for an emerging church!
I remember the day when the love of God
landed in our twon
He took all the silent and broken hearts,
sized them up and gave them a sound
you had almost every different kind of
kid from every different kind
of social background
taking all the cool they had and praising
God, as He spun them around
when God came to town...
and the people in our churches, they were
constantly amazed
at the kids kneeling at the altar with their
different fashion flares
you had squares, preps, and skater punks,
goths and techno-ravers
and the tattooed kids with colored
hair...and they wer all getting saved
you think the 60's had good vibrations?
well, check out my generation...
we will run and never stop
yeah, we all will stand together
taking everything we are
and then praising Him forever
well, anyone and everyone, come and
join us for a good time
we are breaking all the rules by praising
God will your Gift of Cool...
suddenly almost every kid in town had
finally found their way
to take all the gifts and talents ane beauty
tehy had and worship God every day
man, you had all the high school parties,
and they were turning them into whorship raves
and the sounds of the underground in
town had turned to praise
when Your people sing, all of heaven sings...
so sing! is that cool?
lift your hands up to the sky
yeah, we all will sing together
taking everything we are
and then praising Him forever

Emergent, Relevant, PoMo?? What is all this?
Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I have been on a spiritual journey...into strange worlds where the inhabitants speak in tongues, using words like postmodernism, relevance, emergence concerning the chruch and following Jesus. It is no big suprise that I stumbled into this weird, yet welcoming world. My church life has left me wanting more, even bored. It's not that my pastor isn't peaking bold truth or but the people, the experience, the walking and talking all seem dull and lifeless. I have always thought that the way we do church should be exciting..OH YES...the Word should be enough to excite me and the Spirit should be enough to move me...but how it is offered, honored, revelled in doesn't or hasn't suited my rock and roll rebel heart. I feel my passion for Jesus has been quelled by an unspoken rule to "take it easy". Even our worship music, while better than some, could offer so much more. But the dull and unenthused faces I see every Sunday morning sings a sad song. Yes, there are the occasional joyful, sorrowful, repentant, broken, jubilant faces singing, but for the most part I see a rote expression of mouthing the words and "can we sit down now".
I have made contact with a couple brothers by email...the conversation continues!
Read this...finally American consumers are standing up for themselves...