Deep Thoughts, Cheap Vodka
I have the capability to do great or at least wonderful things in my life.I just don't know how to do them.
I was not brought here by God to be mundane.
I am not wired for mediocracy.
I have so much more to offer the world and my family than I am giving.
I am missing something, somewhere.
There is a door right in front of me, but I can't see it.
My life is supposed to be spectacular.
I was not born to be a statistic.
I am not using my creativity to its fullest.
Now the questions:
What am I missing?
Why am I employed in a uncreative job?
What can't I see that I need to?
Why do I allow myself to be mediocre?
Why isn't my life spectacular?
Why are the larger parts of my day so boring?
Where can I use my talents?
Why do I continuously work in uncreative environments?
What am I not seeing?
What am I not doing?
Now go figure, all of this came to me after watching do the math.
Streaming Pete

Oh, I should be working. But on there is streaming video. Streaming now is Pete performing his Lifehouse project. It's a great way to spend a few moments at work; but then the nagging feeling hits me as I watch the musicians smile at each other as they perform...will I spend the rest of my life pinning away wishing I was somewhere else? Or rather doing something else?
The stage, ah the stage. I loved it so much. Whether performing as an actor on many different stages or as a rock and roller rocking out in clubs. Now begs the question: Can I live a fulfilled life without it? Or do I live in little fantasy worlds, watching concert videos, superimposing myself into the screen and onto the stage. At 41, the latter seems like things to come. I smile the satisfied smiles shared by the players after hitting a great break or after a particularly tasty solo. I am there, if only in my mind.
Playing guitar in church is satisfying in another way...performing is not really part of the picture there. I am there to honor God and use the gifts and talents He gave me to try and help people to experience worship. It is how I worship, and I hear Him much louder in music than in reading or preaching.
But He also gave me the gift of performance. OK, call it showing off, whatever. I love it. I have been known to sling a guitar with the best of them in the bars in Tempe. Exhilarating to say the least, dare I say sexual.
This can be a good spot to be in on a Friday, or a depressing one. I can't let this good thing bum me out this weekend. Hope is a strange thing; it can inspire then it has a tendency to turn around on me and morph into depression. So, I know what I need to do, perhaps tonight--plug in my green Gretsch guitar and rock out a little. Imagine a hall full of people cheering and tear it up..if only in my little office.
Return to Roots Rock with Rich Robinson

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I have checked out a couple tracks on this new album by Black Crowes guitarist Rich Robinson. The verdict: it kicks nalga!(spanish for ass)
Yes, it sounds like the Crowes but he wrote the licks. But without his brother's vocals, the songs have a different flavor. But there is still some tasty Southern fried guitar...even a bit spacy at times, which I did tremendously.
At this listening, we find a return to guitar rock and rock...yes, rock and roll. Something so dearly missed in today's music. And there are guitar solos, delicious solos...another thing barely present in music today.
I wish my hair was like his, it used to take a listen, take a taste.