
Hey Boy Blue Is Back

It's 6 am which is not a usual time for me to be awake...I like to sleep in. But 4 straight days with the flu has provided me with ample slumber. So, I blog. Oh my lonely blog...tossed to the curb by the ever present Facebook, which will receive this feed! My title reference comes from a song by The Electric Light Orchestra, or ELO. My mother had more than a normal obsession with them, mainly their leader Jeff Lynne...maybe this is why I have a more than normal obsession with Pete Townshend. My mom is among the dearly departed but with me always; as she is right here, right now. I woke up around 5 with the song Boy Blue in my head...mainly the chorus,"Hey boy blue is back" I think she was telling me that I was indeed back, in many ways.

1. I am back from the dead...the hellish black death called the flu.
2. I am back from being worried about where my family will live. I received some advice from, of all people, a "legitimate" loan shark...if you can imagine such a thing. But if anyone knows who to work with people and money it is him. I have a plan, gonna pitch it, and let it fly.
3. And, I am going back to work. My least favorite of the three...

I am sure there is more. But this is a good start. Back in action. Back in the saddle, Back in black.
You get it, I know you do.

Thanks for waking me up this morning mom, I love you.

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