It's Christmastime Pretty Baby

The obligatory Christmas post?
This Christmas is a bit weirder than usual. We are broker than years before so under the tree is a bit sparse. I always worry I am going to disappoint my kids, but it always works out. I grew up with money so unwrapping presents took at least an hour. This year at our house will be shorter. I KNOW, it's about Jesus. I get it. But I still love to spoil my kids. My wife assures me it will work out. I should trust her! This will be the first year in 5 that I have seen my dad and family. Thank God I am out of the cult/church.
For New Years I am actually making resolutions.
#1. Yes, quit smoking.
#2. Lose some weight
but more importantly
#3. Write my songs. I have tons of lyrics and no guitar parts.
#4. Send my songs to a publisher...just to see.
even more importantly
#5. Spend more time with my wife, more dates, more talks, less arguments
#6. Get our finances under control
#7. Go on a trip or two with my wife and kids...camping is cheap!
#8. Work on getting rid of choas in my house...more prayer
#9. Keep chasing my dreams...more importantly, quit chasing and make them happen
#10. Trust God more
Better Place: In Loving Memory of Rose, for my good friend Paul

Better Place
(For my brother Paul)
Has the pain subsided?
Have the tears began to fall?
Have you begun to feel the loss?
Have the angels called?
Not that you need the pain
But you might need to cry
And the shoulder you might need
Might as well be mine
So to you, my old friend
I know just how you feel
Lean on me, hold on me
If you should start to reel
And when it comes rushing over you
If it takes you by surprise
You need to look no further
Than an old friend's reddened eyes
Have you found the wonder
Of the beauty behind the pain
It might be the one thing
To keep you from going insane
So to you, my old friend
I know just how you feel
Lean on me, hold on me
If you should start to reel
And when it comes rushing over you
If it takes you by surprise
You need to look no further
Than an old friend's reddened eyes
The tears you may be holding back
Have rolled down my face
As I remembered a love that I lost
Is in a better place
© 2006 Stradasphere Music
Beggar's Theatre Circa 1991

Here is my old band, Beggar's Theatre, backstage at Boston's nightclub in Tempe. Sometime around 1991, after a gig. I wouldn't trade those days for the world. If it wasn't for that band, I would not have met my beautiful bride, and therefore, I would not have the wonderful family I have today.
Long Live Rock.
P.S. I am the guy lying on the table with my legs wrapped around my good friend Texas.
Remembering a Genius Today

John Lennon
I was sitting in my room with a buddy, playing guitar and singing songs. Pink Floyd songs, Who songs, Moody Blues songs, and especially Beatles songs. Then my door opened, the door that hung under four pictures of four brilliant musicians: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. My little sister abruptly spewed,
"Mary (our stepmother) told me to tell you John Lennon was shot and killed. She also said you can have a party when they get the killer."
"Get out of my room Stacey, you are full of crap!"
"It's on the news, see for yourself."
The lives of two teenage boys, and millions of others, had just changed. And there it was all over the news.
John Lennon had been shot to death. Holy shit. How can that be? What will happen to music? Now the Beatles will NEVER get back together...ever.
My mom, who shares Lennon's birthday (and John Entwistle) and died the same year (yeah a little weird) always told me they would get back together. Now they never will. The next day at school was filled with knowing nods and glances from fellow stoners who knew. Knew the genius of Lennon, especially in the Beatles. Lennon's solo work did not offer me the escape as Beatles songs, but was John. The one and only John...
No ramblings here about the legacy of his music. It speaks for itself. The man who once claimed his rock and roll band is bigger than Jesus, is with Him now. Remember him today. Slap on Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, or Hard Day's Night and relish in the goodness.
Remembering a genius and huge influence in my life. Rest in peace John. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Two Words: Psalm 3

Morning Prayer of Trust in God.
A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.
O LORD, how my adversaries have increased!
Many are rising up against me.
Many are saying of my soul,
"There is no deliverance for him in God." Selah.
But You, O LORD, are a shield about me,
My glory, and the One who lifts my head.
was crying to the LORD with my voice,
And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah.
I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustains me.
I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people
Who have set themselves against me round about.
Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God!
For You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek;
You have shattered the teeth of the wicked.
Salvation belongs to the LORD;
Your blessing be upon Your people!
Seems the Writer's Block is Gone

A Road of Broken Dreams
Maybe I spoke too soon
When I told you not to worry
"Ill take you to the moon"
You see your dreams fade
And I'm blowing the wind
Smashing the plans you made
Did I drive you down the road?
A road of broken dreams
Did I take you for a ride?
Nothing is as it seems
Maybe the stars were too far away
In my eyes and out of reach
It kills to think I led you astray
Did I take your dreams away?
You're not where you want to be today
Did I trick you to come driving down my road
Did I take your dreams away?
I might be chasing windmills
You might be crying
Your life seems at a standstill
I can't make sense of mine
A million and a half more times
I can say I'm sorry
For all the tears you cry
Did I drive you down the road?
A road of broken dreams
Did I take you for a ride?
Nothing is as it seems
Copyright© 2006 Stradasphere Music
On Feb. 28th, I Will Be...

...FOR THE WHO!!!!! Row 18 on the Pete side!!
Circadian Collapse
I would pay for a long sweet slumber
A wakened refreshment of a brand new day
Instead of the tossing and thinking
With a head full of lumber
I give my green guitar and Hot Rod Fender
A trade for eyes that look forward in crystal
Instead of a stare that bleeds with the bleariness
Of a two day weekend rock star bender
Smooth my furrowed brow
Siphon the ice from my blood
Stop the spinning in my brain
Damn the constant flood
It's not the ringing in my ears
Or the damn TV
It's the collection of my fears
Like a playlist on repeat
I need to sleep
So I don't have to sleep in
I need to dream
But not the kind to hide in
Copyright© 2006 Stradasphere Music
(I started writing again...I don't sleep too well)
I TOLD YOU SO -The Who is coming to Phoenix!
Just got the alert. Feb 28th!! Presale is in two days! My very cool cousin is hooking up the tickets with my password!!!