
Gmail Invites

I got 6...yours for the taking...lemme know.



Here are 11 of Rolling Stones Top 100 Songs...what is Nirvana doing in there? A good song, yes, but in the top 10? NO WAY! And if the song was where it is supposed to be...way down the line, My Generation would be #10. And where are The Beatles? They should be in place of Lennon who is much less than the sum of his parts. And not Hey Jude...I mean something like "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" had a much greater value that "Hey Jude." Still, Nirvana?? This could drive me to pick the smokes back up...
1. Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
2. Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones
3. Imagine - John Lennon
4. What's Going On? - Marvin Gaye
5. Respect - Aretha Franklin
6. Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys
7. Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry
8. Hey Jude - The Beatles
9. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
10. What'd I say? - Ray Charles
11. My Generation - The Who

'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sequel to Feature Jar Jar Cameo by Scott Ott

(2004-11-11) -- Michael Moore said today that, even though his sequel to 'Fahrenheit 9/11' will include a cameo appearance by Jar Jar Binks, he has not "sold out to commercialism."

Mr. Moore, whose documentary raked in more than $100 million, said he continues to "despise the greed-lust of George Bush's cronies in the military industrial complex" and that he's making 'Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2' to prove that he's still "an edgy, politically-passionate independent filmmaker."

Mr. Binks, who starred in several of George Lucas' Star Wars sequels, said he's delighted to be on the big screen again.

"Me-sah love Michael Moore-sah, okee-day," said Mr. Binks. "He-sah justah like my old boss Jabba Lucas."
by Scott Ott


Much Fire, No Smoke

I quit a several year smoking habit recently. I mean SEVERAL! I haven't smoked in over two months but last night was a killer. I made my phone calls to support people,prayed, tried to distract myself,prayed, and even ate a little too much...but I emerged from the fight victorious. It was rough but thanks to God and some very close friends I did not smoke. I feel much better today. Now if I can only get rid of this bottle of vodka at my desk...


A gift for my liberal friends...sorry no cheese.

Autorantic Virtual Moonbat
All credit, props, and donations go to Sean Gleeson.
Have fun kids.

My Weekend

Went to my son's Little League game...he went 3 for 3, a run, RBI, and he hit two batters...still won!
Went to Hollywoood Video AND Blockbuster to get my princess Shrek 2
Watched Shrek 2
Played Halo 2 with Alex-got stomped
Watched Garfield with the fam
Did some voice over work
Went shopping with the fam
Went to Home Depot and Ace Hardware
Fixed a toilet
Did some yard work while Gracie followed me around telling me about her Barbie
Watched Big Fish until 3 a.m. with Angell
Had sausage and eggs
Prayed a lot
Actually worked out a little-dumbell curls
Had chicken alfredo with sun dried tomatoes
Went to a very intense church service

My first thought as I read this over was, "This sounds like such a "dad" weekend!" Then I thought, praise God that it is.


The Greatest Rock Band???

I found this blog while bombing American Blogger...the case for the greatest rock band...he says U2...I say its a combo meal of Beatles and the Who...while U2 is very, very great (and a couple claim to be Christians) but the comparison wanes when you slap Revolver or Who's Next on the turntable (that's a record player for all you youngunns)...even after the Joshua Tree or the great Rattle and Hum...
Bono and the boys have created good, very good songs, but name a song that comes close to Won't Get Fooled Again.

Advisory: This blog is not intended for those who think they know anything about music but have never listened to any of the following albums: Who's Next, Sgt. Peppers, Revolver, The Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, Tommy, Auchtung Baby (why not), or Live at Leeds. All comments referring to rap or cheesy bubblegum music, Kelly Clarkson, etc., will be promptly removed. And don't give me any lip about diversity or open-mindedness...we are talking rock and roll here, not politics (THANK GOD!)

Feel free to add your opinion on the greatest BAND...of course if you disagree about the Beatles and the Who, I will make fun of you.

Even Keeled


What the F---???

So now a bunch of "civil rights lawyers" (an oxymoron) are going to go and get some money and fame from American enemies...unbelievable. I'll tell you what, let them all go...pay for their freeeeking plane fare and send them back to plot another assault on our country.

someone ask McCain how he feels about this...
CBS News | Gitmo Trials Hit Roadblock | November 9, 2004?12:49:47


Dashed Dreams, maybe

As it stands, today, I am bowing out of the NaNoWriMo writing...but that is not to say I won't pull my famous, last minute writing rampage that earned me my degree in English lit from ASU!
We'll see...for now I just read The Magic Pen and Rusted Halo.



I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it.


P. Diddy Survives 'Vote or Die' Attempt by Scott Ott

(2004-11-04) -- Rap star Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs is reportedly in stable condition after surviving a self-inflicted 'Vote or Die' attempt on Tuesday.
READ MORE AT www.scrappleface.com


Congratulations President George W. Bush

4 more years! Which is important not only in that the right man for the job stays (and prays) in the White House, but also now George and the boys can get back to work and clean some things up (yes, Iraq). Think of the mess our country would be in if Kerry flipped/flopped into power and tried to redo everything--remember, no do overs.

TO MY LIBERAL READERS (both of you),
The best man won but not without a fight from the Kerry Klan (no, I am not making a bad connection here.) But, remember all you liberals out there, as your lick your wounds and and curse Bush with self-righetous hatred, remember that OUR COUNTRY has spoken. The country that protects you, feeds you, gives you a job, and allows you to worship whatever god you want. REMEMBER this is your country and your countrymen and women have chosen. You tried (and cried) hard to get your boy in there but it just quite didn't work out. So, now stand with OUR COUNTRY and move forward and not against. Kerry has to concede, so should you. Not as defeated whiny brats who didn't get to go to the movies but as defeated warriors of respect and honor. Shake the hands of your rivals and try not to stick your tongue out when you are done.

Yes, now W has some serious work to do, but at least he knows how to do it. Don't let up on him, but don't curse him either. OUR COUNTRY chose him. And if you have something bad to say about OUR COUNTRY then get the hell out. Don't snivel, do something about it. Don't hate YOUR president, hate your own hate. But most of all, be an American and don't whine, snivel, or turn your back on our country. People like you are a huge part of the checks and balances that make ours the greatest country in the world...and if you don't think so, get the hell out. (Oh, yeah, I said hell!)

SO, CONGRATS W! Give Aunt Laura a big hug for me! I will be praying for you. Now go kick some ass!

P.S. No I wasn't able work on my NaNoWriMo novel...but I am not quitting.


It has begun...

Had it not been for American Blogger's mocking challenge in the parking lot and my wife's loving encouragement, I would have wussed out but NO...I'm in and chapter 1 of Contract Work is in progress. I have decided to go forth with only nebulous ideas and characters loosely based on people in my life. Believe me, my fictional representations wont even match the weirdness of my friends and family. Many times tonight I second guessed what the one or two people who read my blog are going to think...I even came up with their criticisms, and no I won't write them here because that would go against my next statement...then I realized WHATEVER...think what you want and if it sucks I doubt anyone will actually say that to me anyway!!
BUT I must give thanks to my boy Alex, who has GREAT literary taste and gave me the thumbs-up of approval on my first paragraph. He even gave my main character his first name--Tim. I was going to use CHase at first but my boy was convinced...plus he liked my first paragraph. Thanks to my beautiful and supportive wife who made some rocket-fuel coffee (as if I need it) to get me going...now I can't sleep and my wife is asleep...WHO AM I GOING TO TALK TO WHILE I TRY TO GO TO BED???
Anywho, thanks Will for mad dogging me in the parking lot...and I really mean that.
Interested? Follow the white rabbit.



(2004-11-03) -- When John Forbes Kerry took the podium last night in a Boston hotel ballroom, many supporters expected him to heed the poet's call: "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage..."

But the veteran-senator disappointed his troops one last time by taking the high road in his concession speech.

"America has spoken tonight," said a stoic Mr. Kerry, "They have chosen strength and integrity over indecision and political opportunism. This landslide victory for my opponent--forgive me, let me call him President Bush-- this victory demonstrates the essential decency and folksy wisdom of a bold and humble people. In all frankness, my candidacy was never anything more than a vitriolic hate-parade, funded by big unions, Hollywood and the trial lawyers."

Mr. Kerry then stunned the assembled party faithful.

"Tonight I step from the spotlight into the shadow of a great and good man," he said. "In doing so, I now join my friends Sen. Zell Miller, former New York Mayor Ed Koch and millions of anonymous Democrats who secretly betrayed their party today for the good of their nation tomorrow. As I did rhetorical battle with President Bush, I found myself respecting him, admiring him and longing to be more like him. From now on, I will say what I mean, mean what I say and act accordingly. Let me sum up now by paraphrasing my mentor, John F. Kennedy--starting tonight, Ich bin ein Bushie."
Scott Ott