
Top 10 Reasons why I might not finish NaNoWriMo

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.

1. I'll be too bloated around Thanksgiving.
2. I like to spend time with my family, sleep, eat, etc.
3. Low self-esteem
4. Arrogance
5. If Kerry get elected I'll be too scared to do anything
6. I have already killed off my hero in the first chapter
7. I am tying to back off the caffeine
8. It will interfere with my blogging at work
9. Real, tangible, gripping fear
10. The real, tangible, gripping fear will paralyze me to the point of freezing solid right there in front of my computer with my hands locked in the ever-familiar arched postion over the keyboard



It's official. Gleeson endorses W. But you knew that. Wait, he does endore W doesn't he? HE BETTER! No, he does. Click the link get up-to-the-minute campaign news and headlines! Go W!


I'm telling Hillary!

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.

"How have you been Bill? You look worried."

You just can't stop can you Slick Willie?

Just go vote..

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I saw this on one of those war-monging, right-wing, W endorsing websites. I think it says it all. I remember when I was a liberal, oh it feels good to have a spine. Go W!

P.S. Kerry looks like an Irish Setter.


Contract Work

Ok, here is the name of my NaNoWriMo entry...blog a book in a month. Click the link and tell me what you think...in the movie version Harrison Ford will play the hero...wait he is too old and has turned from Han Solo and Indiana Jones to "ooh no don't hunt on my ranch," whatever Junior...


Look for the Ketchup!

I found Gleeson recently...do yourself a favor and look at the photos of his son's baptism...look for the ketchup bottle!! Sean Gleason


Home and Doing Fine

American Blogger left me a comment on a previous blog asking about my wife...thanks Will! She had surgery on Friday and is home doing fine! We had dinner delivered by three different sets of friends and even some housework for us!! Thanks to Jess and Jess, Allison and Big Josh, John and Dee, and Wanda for all the laundry and dishes!And thanks to Hot Dog and Nickel for watching the kids until 3 a.m. and the T-shirt! You are a wonderful family of ours!!



Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
My wife will be happy to hear that I am actually going to attempt to write a book...she has been encouraging me for years...now I am going to try and do it in a month! Thank for the info Will!

Hug a liberal, then read this!

Here are a couple places you should go today. After you are done hugging trees, hug a liberal. They are both sappy!
You have GOT to check this guy out...hilarious!
ALSO check out the Tilted Head of Compassion!...I think I have finally found some friends! I will be ostracized at wok but what else is new?


If I Could I Would...

Take my wife on a honemoon
Tell my wife to quit her job because we could afford it
Spend more time writing, playing, and recording music
Play more baseball with my boy
Play more Barbies with my daughter
Play more footsie with my wife
Start the many different books I want to write
Spend more time with God (umm should have come first)
Read and study more of the Bible
Learn and teach my son how to bowhunt
Give my wife a Home Depot card with no limit for the house


Reasons to Freakout this Friday

1. My wife is getting a serious surgery in the morning
2. I have tickets to a concert and I feel guilty going
3. I can't sell the tickets
4. I turn 40-the best years are ahead of me (right!)
5. My midlife crisis starts on Saturday
6. I don't have enough money for a red sports car
7. I have the awesome task of caring for my wife and KEEPING MY KIDS QUIET!
8. Friends are bringing us dinner-but we don't know if they can cook
9. There might be bell peppers in the food
10. What if my wife won't share her drugs?
11. Who will listen to me talk all weekend?
12. Getting drunk is out of the question


Freaking Blue

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I have been listening to the same CDs for about the last five days at work-Blue Man Group Audio and The Complex. This totals to about 40 hours of Blue Man music. Is there something wrong with that? Am I totally Monking out? Or should I say Blue Monk (for all you jazz fans out there? Is this obessive behavior? Somebody help me...

AHHH The Party's Over

Well, the hit parade is over :(...
An American Manager slapped on a tie and threw around some moxy and got the Muzak kaboshed. Back to Blue Man Group. THANKS WILL!!

Cheesy Songs Piped Into My Office

Check back for up to the hour updates!
8:53 Jive Talking
9:36 Oooh I Love You (Something like that)
9:42 I'm Never Gonna Let You Down
9:53 Isn't She Lovely

Smells Like Man Spirit

hai karate
Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
If you really want to smell like a man get yourself some of this. There is a guy here I know is wearing this (or maybe Brut), and he has a comb in his back pocket.

A Rough Morning So Far

This morning has been surreal. First there is cheesy music being piped into my team's office and there is NO volume knob to be found! Then the way too hyper for 6:45 am gal making coffee as if it is her life's sole purpose. AND coffee gal is in my way of the microwave as I am trying to make a simple bowl of oatmeal. Then there is a guy who works in the copy room or something who has short hair parted down the middle, really tight jeans (you would notice too), kind of like Micheal J. Fox from Back to the Future but much, much worse, who REEKS of cigarettes and the worse cologne ever. It could be Hai Karate, but definitely not Old Spice...anyway this morning has already been rough...then my wife calls and asks me why there is dishwashing soap splattered all over the kitchen...hmmm, I DID do the dishes last night...stay tuned for cheesy song updates throughout the day. Thank God for headphones and Winamp...I should have written about playing paintball this weekend but...


Going Blue, Man

Originally uploaded by stradasphere.
I have a new favorite band Blue Man Group. I have heard them a little but never watched their videos of their shows. When I grow up I want to be a guitar player for Blue Man group. They have pure, sheer energy (and not the nylons). That is the stuff of my heart. I look back at years in theater training and performance and wish I hadn't been as messed up as I was. This melding of music and performance lit me up today. Full out, turned up, and full on. I have become so obsessed that I listed to their two CDs The Complex, and Audio for eight hours yesterday. THEN I made my family sit in my office at home while I played their videos on my computer. My wife and son were mildly amused but MY DAUGHTER LOVED THEM! She loved the "blue guys" so much that she made me play their video " I Feel Love: (old disco cover, over and over. We grabbed pens and drummed away on my desk. Then the best part. After I was sweating from pounding the blue rhythm on my desk, Gracie started singing on the way to her room! I grabbed my guitar and did my best rendition of of techno version of the disco song and she kept singing "I Spee Love"!! ( I tried to tell her the word was "feel" but...) with her hands raising up and down, then whispering the words then back up in volume and pitch! It was amazing. Earlier I had wanted to set out to become the next Blue Man Group guitarist but after my gig with Gracie in our living room, I'm good!


W stands for Whupped!-Brilliant!

This came from Jay Nordlinger's column in the NRO. The headline alone is pure brilliance. I like the way this guy talks because he likes the way W talks, like a real person. I didn't watch the debates, I was busy, and I know who I am voting for. My decision is based in part on the kind of man W is, and the way he talks. Imagine going to George and Laura's for dinner. My wife and I would have a sit down at the Bush ranch. Laura would probably call me "dear" and George would tell me to take a load off. Mrs. Kerry would be fake and John would be uncomfortably cordial.

Bush is no dumb@$$ redneck. He admitted himself that Laura speaks better English than he does! He is smart, kick-@SS smart. I like the way he talks, the way he handles himself, and that little confident wink he gives! Kerry looks and talks like a weasel, a politician. Bush talks like a man. I go with the man, not the weasel. Flop goes the weasel!(or should I say flip-flop). I read that in W's closing remarks he said, "I'm asking for your vote." That alone is brilliant. That is why he is there in the first place. Spoken like a man. I'm not too much into politics, I know who I want to run my country. Someone who talks like a real person and doesn't look like an Irish Setter. Nice column Jay, now I don't have to watch reruns of the debate! Whup 'eem W!


Some bad news

My brother left me a message on my answering machine yesterday. Among other things he told me that my father, who had survived a bout with cancer, has found out that the cancer has returned. This bummed me out. Then I thought of all the ways I could be there for him, pray for him, encourage him to fight, new therapies, etc. There is just one catch...I haven't talked to him in about three years. What to do? Sounds like the old "estranged son goes back after years of not speaking to the father to reconcile" story. To be continued...


Blog to Beat Boredom (or BBB)

I am fighting the urge to say what I really want to say about how bored I am at work. To make matters worse I am listening to the Cowboy Junkies...why do I torture myself? It is like a morgue in here. I really don't want to offend my boss either. It is not her fault, it's the job, the task at hand, the monotony of instructional design. I know there will be a day when I will be able to use this keyboard for something creative. Until then I will live vicariously through the Pants, the American, and the Cat. (Sounds like a book title!) And I will keep blogging. OK, back to the drone...hhhmmmmm.


Blog Spam?

I think I have been the victim/target for blog spam. I got some comment from heebeejeejaw that was spanish jibberish...then the link takes you too a suspicious profile. I didn't go any further than that. If spammers found a way to automatically create spam comments then they have risen to a new level of scum.


Blog me with a spoon

i am trying out the Blog This Button on the Google browser...OHMYGOD! WHOA! Where did the 80's freakout come from...so sorry.

Cosmic Connection

My son and I seem to have the coolest cosmic connection. Many times we know what the other is thinking or "I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THAT!" We notice the strangest minute details in cartoons, TV shows, songs, etc. Last night we entered a new level. At about 1:30 I got up to empty the bladder, then decided I needed to have a bowl of Golden Grahms. I came out of my room where my wife and daughter-who-was-too-scared-to-sleep-in-her-own-room were snoring, and my boy was in his bathroom! I heard a flush, he came out a bit suprised to see me and gave me a hug. He went back to bed and I had my cereal. Oddly enough, I was so proud. Ahh, the simple joys of fatherhood.



No I haven't posted in a while but the help desk guy next to me is talking too loud again. I mean the person on the other rend must either be deaf or holding the phone away from their ear. That's not help. That's abuse, He doesn't take hints well either. So, would telling him to SHUT UP be rude? He is a nice guy and all but I am going deaf from cranking my headphones. It's either him or me!


Tell him to stop talking...

There is a guy sitting next to me who has to talk to people on the phone. Some help desk gig. And that is great and all, helping people is nice. BUT the dude is freaking LOUD and I don't think he even knows it! To tell him to shut up would mess him up so I will crank the headphones. Hmm, maybe there really isn't anyone on the phone!

So tell me...

A young blogger asks:
Is blogging at work considered like taking a break at the water cooler or grabbing a cup of joe?
Can you get fired for blogging at work?
Should you complain about your boss or co-workers in a blog?
Can they use this information against you since it was received second hand (and that's hearsay according to Law and Order--ching-ching)
If you haven't old someone about your blog but they read it and there is stuff about them, do they have a right to get mad?
Should you even care?
Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's?
Are political blogs better than personal one's?
Is commenting on someone's blog really butting into a conversation?
What is the air-speed velocity of a sparrow...never mind.
Why is checking out random blogs creepy in a way?
And, what is the deal with ellipses...?


Hair bands to Bald bands...they still suck.

American Blogger inspired me on this from yesterday's post. He was talking about how Music Was Better Back Then, and he's right. Music has a history of sucking in groups. In the 80's it was the Hair Bands who all looked like chicks and all sounded the same. Now it seems all the bands look like bikers, with bald heads, tattoos, and look like they seriously need a bath. None of these guys sings they just growl and yell...then there is the acoustic interlude. Anger management, boys. Peal Jam, Sound Garden, started that, but at least their guitar players could play. And the JUNG JUNG JUNG came from Metallica. Hoobastank? Whatever. Same story different haricut.

Welcome to the Camp

Ok, I just saw this on one of my Google ads. Rock and Roll Fantasy Camps!
A part of me is laughing at the cheese factor and a part of me is thinking ahout taking up a collection to pay for the fee and go! Honestly, to jam with Roger Daltrey would be a childhood dream come true. And I can play most Who songs. Long Live Rock!

Donations can be sent to www.Stradasphere.blogspot.com. No personal checks please.