Guitar and Pen Friday 2

I decided to go with the song "Hey Daddy" in honor of my princess, Gracie!
Last night I was at my computer with an older picture of Pete in full windmill as my screensaver. Gracie came in and said, "Daddy! That's Pete!" I had schooled her on Pete and Roger last week as we watched the Tommy/Quadrophenia Live DVDs. Then came the clincher..."Daddy, let's go in your room and watch the Whos!" (I didn't correct her, she was too cute)
So we did! I put in the Quad show and she pointed out Pete and Roger and asked questions about the actor playing Jimmy. Then she fell asleep in my arms as Love Reign O'er Me played...ok, I made that part up.
So here are my lyrics for this Guitar and Pen Friday. A song that my princess is singing to me. I hope you like it...yikes, now I have to write the music for this one too!!!
Hey Daddy
Hey Daddy
I know you can't be too busy for me
Because I know your world revolves around me
Hey Daddy
I think I want to be a singer
That's ok cuz you are wrapped around my little finger
You look nice in your business suit
But doesn't my new little pink skirt look cute?
I need all of your attention, I have so many things to mention
You have the time because you are mine, my Daddy!
Hey Daddy
Can you pretend to be a snake
And I'll crawl on your back then we'll eat some cake
Hey Daddy
What else do you want to do?
All I want is to play with you.
And when you kiss me goodnight
I will wish I may and wish I might
Grow up to be a princess, a singer, and a star
And you'll make it happen because you already are
Hey Daddy
I know you love to play guitar
Why didn't you become a star?
But I'm glad you didn't make it
Because I may never have made it
And here you are, now I'm the star
That shines in your heart!
Copyright© 2006 Stradasphere Music
Bristol In My Room!

After some technical difficulties I finally got to watch the webcast from Bristol! They broadcasted My Generation, Won't Get Fooled Again, and Substitute. The boys were in excellent form! But first let me say, as been said many times, Pino and Zak are excellent backups! While no one can replace the battery of Moon and the OX, Pino and Ringo Jr. did a helluva job! They didn't show Simon except for the curtain call....OK the music!
It was so nice to see Pete playing through a HiWatt head through a Mesa Boogie cab! My Generation started out strong and had hints of some of the tastiness from the first Leeds recordings...a little echo here, distortion there and very cool rhythm variations...the Pete of old! Roger sang like the powerhouse he is! Even some of his vocal stylings hinted at the old days..."Talikn' 'bout m mmmmy my". Pino nailed the bass runs, never trying to be John. A sort of scattered ending ala Pete messing around with his effects pedals...very loose, very Pete.
Then there was a nod to Rabbit and the welcoming synth of WGFA started. Our man Pete had his own version of the beginning riff! A little off time, then in true PT fashion, he continued to play the chords slightly off as to say, I meant to do that! Very Pete! He chorded the song differently at the beginning which through me off at first but, Pete will be Pete. Again, Roger sounded strong as ever, rarely straining for notes, mic swingin away.
THEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE (3-song) SHOW! At the end, Pete put one arm over his eyes and did this one handed soloing that was, well, plain f$%#ing tasty! Literally single handedly noodling a little solo. LOOK RACHEL, NO HANDS! I have never seen him do that before!
They said goodnight then came back out with Substitute. Again, Pete and Roger added some of the old stlyings from the old days. They looked like they were having fun!
Gone was Pete with only an acoustic. Gone was a Roger searching for notes. The two greatest rock stars in the world were back with a fury. No shirt and jacket for Pete...Converse high tops, a t-shirt and jeans!
Guitarist note: Pete seems to have found a new love for the whammy bar. I have never seen him lay on that thing like he did tonight. Many guitar slingers can use the whammy, but leave it to the Birdman to make a sound all his own! While I long for all the old Les Pauls, Pete has turned his arsenal of Strats into a powerful force!
Before the encore, Pete thanked his band, then what we are all used to seeing...Pete Townshend and Roger Daltry, arm and arm thanking their fans.
99 cents??? I call that a Bargain, the best I ever had!
ONE MORE COOL THING: The webcast stays online! I am watching it all over again at work right now!

Ok, not really but I just bought my webcast ticket! According to some time zone calculation, the show should start around 10:15 a.m. here in Phoenix. I hope I'm right!! I predict little work will get done today as I sit in my office with a scowl on my face pretending to be busy. As I see people approach my office, I will lean in on my monitor as if I am reading some top secret company manifesto...with the "I can't be bothered" look on my face.
Actually, I will be peering across the pond picking up Pete's licks on his Strat! I must post my review later!
Long Live Rock!
I'm Going Home, And When Wanna Go Home...

The wife is under the weather so I am staying home from work to help out. I was so pleased with the number of posts to my lyrics, I am very inspired to finish the guitar parts and put up at least a rough mix on IAC. All of you Who bloggers have been so wonderful with your comments! Great taste keeps great company! If you haven't yet, listen to some of
Ian's songs, Jennifer's Garden is a stand out for me.
Thanks again to all of you who commented on Guitar and Pen Friday! Time for some more laundry then perhaps some
ITA !Oh and I am taking donations to buy this Pete Signature Les Paul I have wanted since I was 15!!!
Cash only please! (Hey a guy can dream can't he?)
Long Live Rock!
Guitar and Pen Friday

As the end of Friday approaches, I have to go with the three votes for posting lyrics as is. Here is my first entry. This was posted previously in another post but here it is on it's own. For my wife Angell. The green Gretsch to the right is my current axe! I welcome your comments! I plan to put some guitar on this TONITE...then on to IAC!
BY YOUR SIDEI have been reminded by your touch
Of the many many times
That I was a wreck, I was a mess
And you were there by my side
With everything you have to do
You still found the time
To pick me up once again
I'm so lucky you are mine
This time seems much harder
There actually is a reason
And you're still by my side
From so many stormy seasons
But here I am again
Wishing you were here
I know you're not too far away
(I'm still) Wishing you were here
I need you feel you skin on skin
I need to hear your voice again
I never want to leave your side
I never want to leave your sideCopyright© 2006 Stradasphere Music
Introducing Guitar and Pen Friday

I have never been afraid to get up in front of people with my guitar and crank it out...this I am afraid of. I am going to start posting some songs I have written (lyrics only for now). I am much less insecure about my guitar slinging than my lyric writing. So, brimming off my last post, I am putting my words out there for all to see.
I dare to say I welcome your comments, and dare further to say I welcome your critique...just don't be nasty or I will write one about how you have never had a date...or something like that. I have posted some lyrics before but not with the intent of having them read but more as a part of a story, not the main bit...
as he types in his procrastination...I also commit to post the songs as they were written...or should I work on them a bit more before posting???
I know, before I post the first one, I will take some comments on whether I should put them up as is or edited! Great! Now send in your opinion and I will take the best out of three...since I have SO many people who post...I am enjoying the new Who/Pete fans that have stopped I await your thoughts!
The Punk Blames the Godfather

Here is me circa '82 doing a Pete! I wish the photo would have been taken a second later for more height but...
This morning I realized my lifelong songwriting problems are Townshend's fault. I shall explain..
I have written so many songs that took way too long to write. They never seem to be right or I continuous think it could be better. Now I know most artists do this, that's not my point, which I will get to.
I also have a CD's worth of lyrics that need music AND I have a ton of riffs and chord progression lonely for the lyric. Here's where Pete comes in. In the past, when I was in a band, I put songs together with urgency because we had a gig or recording to do. Then I could call a song complete, we played, people dug it, and I'm done. Now, the music is for me and for the sake of music.
So what does the greatest songwriter of all time have to do with this? JUST THAT! I admire the Birdman's songs so much that I think I subconsciously raised my bar to that level. So, that along with some good ol' OCD and insecurity, I just don't write the damn things! Why? Because I think they are supposed to be as good as a Who song! I KNOW, I KNOW...That's nuts! BUT I think I have done that to myself albeit by accident.
When you go to create something you think, "this is how it is supposed to be" and shoot for that. But this artistic path is fatally flawed and takes individuality and uniqueness out of the game. "All or Nothing" does not apply here, but my brain has made it so! AND IT'S ALL PETE'S FAULT! If he hadn't written the most influential music in my personal life this would have never happened! I mean when I first heard "The Real Me" or "I'm One" especially, I knew someone understood. Some brilliant, sometimes crabby, Englishman wielding a Deluxe Les Paul know who the hell I was!!! But trying to be someone you, dare I say idolize, can stifle your own creativity.
So at 41 years young, I am going to stop blaming Pete, even though I didn't know it was his fault until today. I will still keep the bar high, but there are some songs to write. Songs of love for my lovely wife, songs of pain from my own heart, songs of joy for my kids, songs of a hard crazy life. Now if you happened to hear a hard ringing A chord followed by a windmilled G-D, well don't blame's Pete's fault!
Another Tricky Day

There is so many wonderful things to mention...
I am reconcilling with my father after three long years of no contact
My wife and I are getting on MUCH better since that last post
My son made the All Star Team again! 3 years in a row!
My daughter...well she is still a pink tornado!
We found a new church to go to.
I am playing guitar for them---still trying to figure out a way to do Who songs in church
I got some props from the Asst. Prez at work who hinted at good things to come
And, I ADMIT IT, I spent most of the day watching Who clips and
In the Attic!
I didn't get depressed, however, that I never made it in rock and roll...I would be dead by now. Some days I watch something about Townshend, thinking I actually know him, then get depressed that he is living the life I always wanted. But today that didn't happen. I realized I am only 41 and there is still A TON of music I will make. Just no rock star shit...I played that game for a while and it almost killed me...but it's how I met my wife!
She is so supportive of my music, especially the music I need to the guitar parts for the songs on the previous post!
That's all for now...and I snagged the picture from
MichaelIf he wants it back I'll give it to him...even though he just bought and new Tele and didn't give it to me!
Vows That Hide
It had been a tough night. A night of accusations, false betrayals, and misplaced anger and pain. Fuelled by Merlot and imported beer, a young woman became frightened. There were no fists raised or phones thrown but there were arrows shot, nevertheless. The woman who heard "for better or for worse", and "until death do us part" thought she saw her love drifting away. And the object of her love felt a drifting as well. Not so much away from her, but from everything.
Driven by a dangerous cocktail of OCD and a life full of chaos and turmoil, her love could not focus on what was really real and did what he does best, fight back. It was not cupid's arrow that got pulled back, it was the other one. The one that has a quiver of razor sharp arrows. Arrows dipped in poison. Poison meant to kill. Soul killing poison.
Finally, the doors were done slamming and the arrows had hit their targets; all that was left was the night. For one, a restless sleep brought on only by muscle relaxants, framed with a scowl. For the other, tears, T.V., and perhaps some more wine.
The morning had a bit more to offer. Less fact mostly silence. The silence meant to be loud in the ears of the other. There was the occasional hand offered to a reluctant shoulder. There was turning away. Perhaps time really does heal wounds, not all of them, but some. So time did its thing, offering reflection and memories and perhaps even some desperation. This time pointed to some memories safely stashed away in an inbox. She remembers not what he said the night before but what he wrote before. Those songs,
those songs...he always said he can write better than he can talk. At least when it comes to love. Although her eyes were red from weeping, she looked. She sought and found. Her find may help him remember.
BY YOUR SIDEI have been reminded by your touch
Of the many many times
That I was a wreck, I was a mess
And you were there by my side
With everything you have to do
You still found the time
To pick me up once again
I?m so lucky you are mine
This time seems much harder
There actually is a reason
And you?re still by my side
From so many stormy seasons
But here I am again
Wishing you were here
I know you?re not too far away
(I?m still) Wishing you were here
I need you feel you skin on skin
I need to hear your voice again
I never want to leave your side
I never want to leave your sidePARKING LOT KISSI wish I had a picture of you
From the day we first met
Then I could hold it up to your face
And be amazed
I just can?t believe what we have been through
I can?t believe that I have you
There is no way to describe this
That all started with a parking lot kiss
You were so young
You were so pretty
I could not resist
To say I love your lips and then we?d kiss
So now it is forever
And its been such a long time
And you still are so pretty
And you are still mine
I just can?t believe what we have been through
I can?t believe that I have you
There is no way to describe this
That all started with a parking lot kissHe remembered. He could not go back on his word...not the ones he wrote. He wished he could with the ones he screamed.